A Letter From The Rector
Dear Friends at Trinity,

Exciting news! We are planning to gather in-person outside for services on the front lawn of Trinity starting on Palm Sunday, March 28! You can join us at 8 am and 10am for our services OR at 9:30 am at Perry Green if you want to participate in blessing of the palms and join the procession up Center Street to the church with the choir! Information to come on how to sign up for services.

Please know that masks are required. Meanwhile, many of you have received the vaccine, or have an idea of when you are eligible to receive it. Your rector has received her first shot! I encourage you to get the vaccine and keep our community as safe as possible. 

8 Things to Know About the U.S. COVID-19 Vaccination Program 

  1. The safety of COVID-19 vaccines is a top priority. 
  2. COVID-19 vaccination will help protect you from getting COVID-19. Two doses are needed for the vaccines available at this time, though in the future certain vaccines may only require one. 
  3. CDC is making recommendations for who should be offered COVID-19 vaccines first when supplies are limited. 
  4. There is currently a limited supply of COVID-19 vaccine in the United States, but supply will increase in the weeks and months to come. 
  5. After receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, you may have some side effects. This is a normal sign that your body is building protection. **The COVID-19 vaccine cannot make you sick with COVID-19. 
  6. Cost is not an obstacle to getting vaccinated against COVID-19. 
  7. The first COVID-19 vaccines are being used under Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Many other vaccines are still being developed and tested. 
  8. COVID-19 vaccines are one of many important tools to help us stop this pandemic. 

Do you know where to get a vaccine? For those of us in Southport/Fairfield and surrounding towns in CT, go to this website for information: https://covidvaccinefinder.ct.gov/?query=06890

If Trinity can help you get information about vaccines, please don't hesitate to write to me: [email protected].

Faithfully yours,

Rev. Peggy+

The Rev. Margaret R. Hodgkins
Holy Week Services. All services will be outdoors at present.
  • April 1 at 6:30pm: Maundy Thursday service of Holy Communion, Trinity Lawn
  • April 2 at noon: Good Friday Liturgy, Trinity Lawn
  • April 4
  • 6:30am: Easter Sunday Sunrise Service, Southport Beach
  • 9am: Easter Sunday, Trinity Lawn
  • 10am: Family Easter Egg Hunt, Trinity Playground
  • 11am: Easter Sunday, Trinity Lawn