I hope this letter finds you doing well and that you have been able to connect with us in whatever way you needed to during our transition to online classes and remote work. While none of us could have imagined the impact this pandemic has had on our daily lives and dreams for our future, we care for you and what you are experiencing. 
As a result of the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act), enacted by Congress on March 27, Wallace State Community College will be receiving funds to help our students make ends meet during the crisis. You will receive a check for your CARES Act distribution in the mail soon.
We hope that these funds will help in some small way to offset your educational costs, which extend even beyond the cost of tuition to technology, especially in the transition to online learning, as well as food, housing, course materials, health care, childcare, and other expenses. In the event that you would like to purchase a tablet or laptop for online classes, please note that there are a number of options now available online for less than $300. You may, however, use these funds in whatever way you need them most.
The remaining CARES Act funds will be used to assist eligible students who have emergency needs, and those who will be attending summer semester. If you have additional emergency technology or other needs, please visit . More resources are also listed at
Please note, registration for summer semester at Wallace State is currently underway. Whether we need to begin classes online and transition to campus later in the semester is still being determined. Either way, the College is prepared to start on time, and we look forward to serving you. The summer 10-week full term and 5-week mini-term classes will begin May 20. A second 5-week mini-term will begin June 25. 
Thank you for your resilience and adaptability during this unprecedented time. We are grateful you are a Wallace State Lion. #wallacestatecares #togetheronline
My best,

Vicki P. Karolewics, Ed.D.