While sitting down to write this blog, I opened up a remaining Christmas candy, Dove chocolate. This was the message on the inside of the wrapper: You are a shining star - a timely intro to a message about Epiphany... and our call to shine brightly for others.
The season of Epiphany begins with a visit to Bethlehem by the magi to see the child, offer Him gifts, and worship the new-born king... but that was just the beginning!
The event signaled that Christ had come not only for the people of Israel, but for all mankind throughout all the world. When Jesus completed His earthly ministry, He directed the disciples to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matt. 28:20).
As we begin 2025, we pray that the children who attend our project sites throughout the world might also see the 'light of Christ' and come to faith through hearing the Good News of the saving work Jesus completed through His perfect life, sacrificial death, and resurrection.
We are extremely grateful for the gifts you have offered to help us share the love of Jesus with children through Christian education.... rejoice, knowing that the gifts you have given to the least of these are also received by Jesus... just like the wisemen's gifts that first Epiphany!
Dr. Phil