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A Look Back at CIS Micro Grants 2022-2023

Click the photos and links to learn about each CIS Micro Grant Project

Staff Appreciation Days

Casandra Jackson, De Zevala Elementary

All In This Together

Gracy Lopez, Blake Manor Elementary

Safe Place Space

Catherine Hoffer, Paredes Middle School

Basic Needs Pantry

Crystal Chilcoat, Decker Elementary

EIS Attendance Raffle

Vanessa Valle, Elgin Intermediate

Family Engagement Events/ Teacher Projects

Vanessa Velasquez, Rodriguez Elementary

Family Fun Nights

Laura Stradling, Emile Elementary

Schoolwide Attendance Incentives

Windy Dupre, Lagos Elementary

Social Emotional Learning, Teacher Training and Resources

Mari Gamez, Wooten Elementary

Soar to School Every Day

Ky Haven, Presidential Meadows

Staff Wellness Care Packages

Marina Salazar, Wallace Middle School

Click here for part 1 and here for part 2 of PowerPoint

Conscious Discipline Training

Julia Smith, Strawn Elementary


Erin Jones, Dawson Elementary

Click here for part 1 and here for part 2 of presentation

Photos of Micro Grant Projects

From self care to classroom- dynamic mindfulness

Caprica Neal, Mendez Elementary

A core group of staff received Dynamic Mindfulness Training and Curriculum from the Niroga Institute with the ultimate goals of reducing staff compassion fatigue, burn-out, stress-reactions, and absences while simultaneously improving staff stress-management, overall well-being, attendance, and interactions with others - including students and families. Additionally, Niroga Institute provided staff a series of coaching and mentoring sessions.

Multicultural Fair

Dani Saffi, Walnut Creek Elementary

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