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Know Your Corals
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 Potters Angel 


Borbonius Anthias  


Antenna Goby   


Orange Spot Rabbit Fish 


Green Long Tentacle Anemones  


Red & White Coco Worm   


Green Polyp Toadstool  


Colored Frogspawn 



Branching Hammer  


Elegant Coral  

A&M Aquacultured Corals


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Know Your Corals 


Is it Hammer? Is it a Frogspawn? Maybe a Torch? Or you could even throw in a Green Putat?  These 4 different corals are all beautiful but have 1 thing in common... They all look similar to the average person.  Below are a few easy points of identification that you can use to tell them apart from one another!  

Frogspawn Coral


     The Frogspawn Coral typically is either green, brown, or tan with multiple branching heads.  Unlike Hammer and Torch Corals their tentacles have multiple branches rather than just one head each, this is the easiest way to tell them from other corals.


 Torch Coral 



     The Torch Coral is typically green or brown with brighter colored tips.  The tentacles of the Torch Coral are very simple single tentacles with no multiple branches like Frogspawn Corals.  The tip of the tentacle also has a smooth ending with no bulges.  


 Hammer Coral  

hammer     Hammer Corals typically have very brightly colored tips and are commonly seen in their "wall" form along with a branching form similar to Torches and Frogspawn.  What makes Hammer Corals different are the shapes of their tentacles.  Their tentacles are hammer shaped or you could also think of Kidney Bean shaped.


Green Putat


     As if those weren't confusing enough there is also the Green Putat, a TRUE Frogspawn. While not too common to see they are a very cool coral.  Like a regular Frogspawn they have multiple branching tentacles  but their skeleton does not branch.The base is a "wall" type structure similar to the Great Wall of China.

Coralife Circulation Pumps

circ pump

Product Features

  • Simulates natural reef or river currents
  • Lab certified flow rating
  • Energy saving motor
  • Super strength suction cup mounting
  • Pivot bracket for custom positioning
Water circulation is essential for many reasons: certain species of fish require it, it helps release toxic gasses built up in your tank water and corals use it to help feed. Save money circulating your tank with Coralife's new circulation pumps! Efficient motor is approximately 8 times more efficient than comparable old-style powerheads. Titanium-plated stainless steel shaft attached to a turbo impeller ensures durability. Features suction cup and pivot brackets for easy mounting and adjustments.



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