Hello, Gardener!

It's August and it's hot! Are your leaves wilting yet?
We hope not! We will be spending the month brainstorming ways to keep cool while enjoying the garden. Today, discover how to create a marvelous Moon Garden and don't forget it's the last week to share photos of the Tropicals you're growing for a chance to win a $25 gift card. Find out how at the bottom of this email!
This sweet deer was spotted on a trip down to The Keys a couple weeks ago for a Summer Vacation.
Cat Whiskers
Brazilian Cloak
Mandevilla Vine
Every Summer night is a marvelous night for a moonlight chat or meal. The break from the heat happens by night for everyone, regardless of how many shade trees you have in your yard or what direction your home faces. After the sun goes down is the best time to unwind from the day in the cool air and glow from the moon. A Moon Garden is perfect for our area and almost essential this time of year! So, what is a Moon Garden and how do you take an average outdoor seating area and make it an evening destination? A Moon Garden is the portion of your garden that you have curated with plants and objects to be enjoyed in the moonlight. Because so many of us already head outdoors in the evening, consider the spot you go at night to be your future Moon Garden if it isn’t already planted as such. Here you can easily add plants that are best enjoyed by night when your senses of smell and touch and hearing can rule. In a Moon Garden, you will want to feature plants that have nocturnal blooms or fragrance, that bring great textures, and that have white flowers that can be seen even in the low light. Think about adding some tinkling wind chimes or a fountain to this space for light background noise to evening conversations or your solitary time after a busy day. 
To add to the evening enjoyment of your outdoor living space, bring in some plants with light foliage or white blooms. You'll see them, whether or not the moon is bright, and you might see some moths and beetles working the night shift. It isn't hard to find plants with light blooms, but, of course, we have our favorites. We tend to love plants that bloom often, or have large or unique flowers. We even found a few with light foliage or flower bracts that stand out after dark.
White Pentas are a great perennial option for a Moon Garden. They can do the work of attracting bees and butterflies by day and their many blooms will show up sweetly after dark.
Gaura whirls and moves with a light breeze so between the movement, the darling look of the flower and the color, you will do well to add these 'Whirling Butterflies' to your Moon Garden.
Brunfelsia 'Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow', is so called because the flowers start purple, and change to lilac, and finally fade to white. This is a beautiful shrub to have anywhere in the landscape but we think it will be truly enjoyed by night. It's easily maintained around 5' tall and can be planted in a sunny to partially sunny spot.
Dieffenbachia plants have big, attention grabbing leaves. They can be planted inside or outside and one of our favorites, 'Tropic Marianne' has foliage that looks like glowing moonlight. If you're using Dieffenbachia outdoors, you can plant it in a container in a shady spot.
Mussaenda is a head turner by day and owing to these showy white flower bracts, it is perfect for night time viewing. The flowers are the little orange star shapes. Plant Mussaenda in Marvin's Magic Mix and water regularly.
Once you've given your eyes something to delight in and perhaps created a kind of living border for your evening retreat, bring in the fragrance! If you already have some Night-Blooming Jasmine in your garden or perhaps, a Gardenia, consider creating your Moon Garden nearby. If you spend time on the patio at night, pot up some rosemary or mint to spill light scents into the air. Think about adding some of these other intoxicating beauties to make your evenings feel decadent.
Layer on the sensory experiences by adding plants that have unusual texture. The texture will be visible in the moonlight and the distinctive feels will be conversation starters.
Balloon Milkweed has these strange, spiky ball shaped fruits that bring interest and texture. This plant grows quickly and as it's a milkweed, it will host Monarch caterpillars. When it blooms, the flowers are a creamy color so they will show up in the evening making this a plant that fills two roles in the Moon Garden.
This is a very cool Philodendron. It's called Fuzzy Petiole because of the interesting and hairy stems. The leaves are lush and the lime color adds tropical appeal to any corner of the garden. It could be enjoyed on a patio or under a tree.
Tropical Lilac has soft, velvety leaves and beautiful indigo flowers. These leaves bring big texture to a Moon Garden and they're also fragrant! Tropical Lilac can grow quite large and is a great specimen plant. It will attract butterflies by day with its many blooms and provide texturaal interest at night. Plant one in a partially sunny spot.
Calathea make gorgeous indoor and outdoor plants. The leaves start out in the shape of a scroll and unfurl to reveal these wonderful striped or brush-stroked leaves. Zebrina has an almost satin feel and Jungle Velvet has a more velvety look and ridged feel. They will both look awesome in the garden. You will want to give them some shade and plant them in well-draining soil.
Nearly all of the plants we've shared here can be planted in containers or in the ground. This means you can make a marvelous Moon Garden in whatever space you have! A Moon Garden is a way to enjoy your garden without the searing heat and it will endure as your favorite hangout spot in late Fall and Winter as well. Find more Moon Garden plants on our blog! When you create your marvelous Moon Garden, be sure to share pictures with us and we'll happily brag about your garden in a future newsletter!
Pretty, pretty Crossandra! This is looking so vibrant right now! The color pops and it is catching everyone’s eye. We love the sweet flower, glossy leaves, and also the easy attitude of Crossandra, sometimes called Firecracker Flower. It loves the heat and humidity and hangs on through Summer and beyond as a perennial. Plant Crossandra in well-drained soil and don’t let it dry out. We see butterflies, bees and dragonflies hanging around Crossandra often so color isn’t the only thing this plant will bring to your garden. 
Select Seasonal Garden Flags
50% off!
Hoya Compacta
or Hindu Rope 
4" and 6" Hanging Baskets
NOW Buy One, Get One!
One for you, one for a friend!
All Pentas
Heirloom & Dwarf!
1 Gallon Pots
NOW 3 for $12!
regularly $5.49 each
Blue Sky Vine
$5 off !
Regularly $24.99, Now $19.99!
Balloon Plant
3 Gallon Pots
Regularly $26.99 each
Now on sale for $20!
12" Mandevilla Hanging Baskets
$10 off!
Regularly $24.99, Now $14.99!
1 Gallon
Now 3 for $12!
Regularly $5.49
Take a look at this colorful, exotic corner of Gerri's garden! We're just as excited as Gerri is to see that Malaysian Orchid in bloom. Everything looks so happy! Thank you for sharing!
Is there something you're growing in your garden that you're so proud of? Share it with us by replying to this email and we will brag for you!
Our new theme is Tropicals!
Find our post on Facebook and reply with a picture of the gorgeous, lush tropical plants you're growing. We'll choose a winner at random from the posts. You have until August 10th to share and a winner will be announced in our
August 11th newsletter.
The winner will be mailed a $25 gift card!
Make it marvelous,
Your Friends in the Garden