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Thank you for continued support! The spiritual theme of the day is designed to help you with direction and insight with your daily readings.

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Love and light,

-Jordan Canon  

A Mazing View                            
Imagine you are in the center of a maze, trying to find your way out. As you walk through all the different possible paths, it seems like you always end up in the same place, lost, and the more effort you put into finding your way, the more frustrating your challenge appears to be.

That's how mazes work.

If you feel connected to this feeling with a challenge you are experiencing now, I have some spiritual advice for you. It is more a strategy to remember because we will all find ourselves in this situation.

The maze is an effective challenge because of how we look at it. It is two-dimensional, or flat. Two-dimensional thinking is something we have come accustomed to doing.

But if we look at the maze from overhead or three-dimensional thinking, the challenge is not that difficult at all. The same rule can apply to how you look at your current challenges. Sometimes you just to need to step back and look at the same problem from a different point of view.

I like to do it backwards. Instead of trying to find a way out of a challenge, I will look at the same problem as if I am trying to find my in. The answer doesn't always lie in the result, but the actions that create the results.

I hope this helps you with today's reading because there is likely an unsolved challenge for you to solve today.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon 

Principal: I Am.
Temptation's Power: You Are Not (Confidence) 
Primary Power: Motivation to Act
Principal: I Have.
Temptation's Power: You Won't Have (Fear of...)

Primary Power: Practical and Preserving
Principal: I Think
Temptation's Power: You Over Think (Failure to decide)
Primary Power: Duality and Communication
Principal: I Feel
Temptation's Power: Extreme Emotional Reaction
Primary Power: Emotions and Nurturing
Principle: I Will
Temptation's Power: You will not (succeed)
Primary Power: Desires and Recognition
Principle: I Analyze
Temptation's Power: What if? (Over analyzing)
Primary Power: Attention to Detail
Principal: I Balance
Temptation's Power: Loss of Control
Primary Power: Relating to Others
Principal: I Desire
Temptation's Power: Overindulgence
Primary Power: Intensity and Forceful
Principal: I Aspire
Temptation's Power: Failure to Achieve
Primary Power: A Broad and Idealistic Outlook
Principal: I Use
Temptation's Power: Work over Relationships
Primary Power: Realism and Responsibility
Principal: I Know
Temptation's Power: Doing
Primary Power: Human Understanding
Principal: I Believe
Temptation's Power: Realistic Goals
Primary Power: Spiritual and Sensitive

Detailed personal and relationship readings by Jordan Canon are provided to as a service for your spiritual growth. Spiritual astrology readings help people "look within" themselves and learn how to harness the power of their souls. It provides you with insights into your character and individual life potentials by indicating the strengths you have and the challenges you experience in life.

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