Jim invites you to join him in a meditation on the love you are.
Love is the all pervasive substance that hols the universe as One. It is not a sentimental emotion, a sensual feeling or a tool to manipulate relationships. 
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A Meditation on Being and Living the Love You Are
An Invitation to Being and Living the Love You Are
A Meditation on Being and Living
the Love You Are
Last week to register for inspirational video class.
Join Jim Morningstar in a meditation to open your being to living in love,
to let your fears melt in the radiance and warmth of pure compassion for all life as sacred, to let your mind be transfixed by the essence of pure light to reflect  the truth and beauty in all, to let your heart surrender to your Beloved who holds you in the arms of unconditional acceptance and trust, and to be infused with the passion of love's most powerful calling back to the Home that restores your wholeness and dissolves all illusion of separation or lack. You can join Jim on a nine month journey in the spirit of love to transform your experience of life.    

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    - a practical video course in letting love transform your life
Last week to register for 
9 months of Love Immersion .

Each month of this nine month journey we will engage in practices that radically upend the roadblocks to owning the innocence and purity of being in your Sacred Heart and radiating this glow to your world. Open to all beings of love around the planet.

You will receive:
~ a monthly video class approximately one hour long for 9 months
~ enlightening  information, references, exercises, practice in class and at home and         sharing with your classmates
~ daily inspirational email sharing from Jim Morningstar
~ a strategic plan for  being and living the love you are more fully in daily life than you       can presently imagine which includes:

     ~   transforming your experience to being in love with and nurtured by life daily
     ~   having a chest of love potions for every life challenge
     ~   building a reservoir of loving energy to tide you through dark nights of illusion
     ~   attracting loving companions who delight in sharing love with you daily
     ~   being strengthened by a community dedicated to spreading love on our planet

Each class will include videotaped presentations, virtual group engagement, ongoing practices and community support.

This nine month series is open to students anywhere in the world who want to engage in life transforming practices in a dedicated community. Class presentations will be videotaped and sent with materials and exercises included. A daily inspirational sharing will be sent via email by Jim Morningstar. Students will experiment and share their results via email or some form of video conferencing, e.g., Skype, Face Time... as they choose with other classmates.

Dates video classes will be received: January 30, February 27, March 27, April 24, May 29, June 26, July 31, August 28, September 25, 2017

Tuition: $180 USD. Reduction for some countries outside the US (contact instructor).

Payment: check or money order in USD to: Transformations 
4200 W Good Hope Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53209 USA.
enter tuition amount under: Consultation Services Jim Morningstar, Ph.D. 

For On Site classes which include video course ($360) click here On Site.

  Jim Morningstar
The Director of Transformations Incorporated, Jim is a clinical psychologist, supervisor, seminar leader and has pioneered in the integration of psychotherapy with such mind/body techniques as breathwork and bio-spiritual energetics. He founded the School of Integrative Psychology in 1980 and the Transformations Breathworker Training Program in 1990 and has authored four books in the field of spiritual psychology. He is co-director of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance and founder of InWellness. Jim's 33 years of courses in integrative psychology are available online and through his training programs, 4 levels of breathworker certification can be obtained as a professional breathworker. Jim also travels and teaches internationally.