Mentors vs. Tormentors - The Difference
Click here or on the image above to hear Stephen's story about the impact of compassionate mentoring, and the importance of this style of mentoring to supporting the next generation of scientists.
So If We Build it, Will They Come?: 
The Northeast Evidence-Based Mentoring Training Consortium
Drs. Hal Strelnick and Chinazo Cunningham of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine wanted to test a hypothesis. What would happen if they trained small teams of faculty and then provided them with modest financial and logistical support? Would it result in the successful implementation of mentor training programs at their home institutions? Would the trained faculty leaders join forces and foster a regional peer mentoring consortium? In 2015, the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) awarded Drs. Strelnick and Cunningham a grant to find out.

Click here to read the full article.

Diversity Program Consortium Faculty Research Highlighted in Recent Issues of CBE-LSE and AIDS & Behavior

AIDS and Behavior Volume 20, Issue 2 Supplement, September 2016, "Securing the Future: Mentoring to Diversify the Biomedical HIV Research Workforce" describes the framework for the promotion of mentoring, as well as the evaluation of mentor training efforts, being implemented by the Diversity Program Consortium and in particular through the NRMN Mentor Training Core. Features include work by  Hannah A. ValantineRichard McGeeChristine PfundAngela Byars-WinstonJanet BranchawSpero M. Manson, and others from the NIH-funded Consortium.

The  CBE-Life Sciences Edition September 1, 2016 issue  features numerous articles with authorship contribution from faculty across the Consortium. These all aim to explore the issues critical to broadening the participation from underrepresented scientists in the biomedical research workforce and life sciences in general. 

Dr. Elizabeth Ofili presents NIH Wednesday Afternoon Lecture, "Democratizing discovery science w/n=Me"
In the October 5th NIH Wednesday Afternoon Lecture, NRMN PI Elizabeth Ofili presents on the challenge of diversity and inclusion in clinical trials; the role of mobile technology in supporting long term research participation; the link between research participation and behavior change; the P4 Women's Health intervention; and the role of NIH research networks in health equity research.
to watch the recorded lecture in NIH's VideoCast archives.

NRMN at UPR Medical Sciences Campus for Two-Day Training Event in November
NRMN will be holding a 
two-day in-person training  event at  the University of  Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus on  November 17 - 18, 2016.
Participants from Puerto Rico and the continental U.S. will come together for multi-faceted training for early career investigators and experienced faculty. The event will offer sessions based on several of NRMN's existing training programs.
Click here to read a description of the planned activities at this training event.

NRMN Releases New Health Research Talks
In partnership with the UAB Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Center (MHRC), NRMN continues this series of health research talks with two new sessions:  What is Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) and Why Do It? featuring Monica L. Baskin, PhD, and What are Psychometrics and Survey Research? featuring Sara J. Knight, PhD.
Click here to watch these newly-released installments. 
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