A Message From Our Pastor

Friday, March 27, 2020

Good afternoon to all!  

Whenever she is asked, “How are you?” one of our parishioners always responds “Blessed”! Yes, that is how she always responds to that simple, everyday question. During these challenging days, I am making that my new Lenten resolution: to not just say that word but also to experience it. I am sure it will make a difference to remind myself that I am “Blessed”. How about you?

A couple of items for today:
Because of the skill and generosity of a group of men in the parish, we are now set up to video tape and then show the Mass that is celebrated in our Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Father Joseph and I are celebrating Mass each day for the intentions given; from Monday-Friday the Mass can be seen on our website ( www.st-timsrc.org ) beginning about 10am. For Sunday Mass, we will celebrate in time for it to be on the website on Saturdays at 5pm. If we get the technology to livestream (so it can be seen in real time), we will let you know.

Due to the concern about ‘self-distancing’, we cannot have Confessions for the time being. In this case, if one needs to confess but cannot get to Confession, the long-standing tradition of the Church is for the individual to pray the Act of Contrition with the intention of going to Confession when it is next available. If you have any questions about this, you may call me at my direct office line 949-249-4097.

We continue to pray for one another, especially for all medical personnel.

Your brother in Christ,

Msgr. John