Rabbi's Letter

October 4, 2018
25 Tishrei 5779
Dear Friends,

What a strange High Holiday season it was. I pray that everyone is adjusting to our Port City post Florence. We are all slowly trying to get back to normal. I ask you to pray for the thousands of people who are standing in lines still with FEMA and at churches trying to get help for their homes that are filled with mold and waterlogged furniture.  Many people are suffering around us and I am busy trying to find a way for us to pay it forward and reach out. There are a few things brewing that I will inform you of once I return from Israel. 

My heart was so full yesterday as Sharon Dresbach and I had the walk through for her Bat Mitzvah this coming Shabbat. We have been learning together for a full year and she has arrived to this sacred occasion with a powerful knowledge of Hebrew and an impressive command of the Torah and Haftorah. Please join us on Shabbat to celebrate her beautiful spiritual journey to this moment.
We had our Bon Voyage gathering last night for our Israel trip set to leave on the 10th. As of today everyone begins to catch flights, some are beginning to catch flights to Athens, Paris or New York. We are planning to meet at the hotel in Tel Aviv next Thursday the 11 th . We will be arriving throughout the day and meet in the hotel lobby at 6 for a welcome meeting and then a walk to the restaurant. The tour officially begins on Friday morning at 8:30 and we can’t wait! I promise to send back photos as the trip progresses. Wishing you all were going to be there with us!
On Shabbat, this Friday evening we will be sharing a blessing for our travelers to Israel. This is such a magical experience for the soul of every Jew. Israel is bigger than history and deeper than politics, it is a coming home that speaks its own language to the soul. I am so blessed to be embarking on our second B’nai  trip to Israel since becoming your Rabbi. It is such a sacred experience. Please join us Friday evening to bless and send off our travelers with the prayer that their steps be guided by grace and a net of safety accompany them along the way.

TRIP 2 ~ 2018 - October 10-21 

Sheryl, Tom, Robin, Marvin and Sarah, Michelle and Rich, Gail and Howard, Rena, Sally, Sammy, Reba and John and Rabbi Julie

You go with our prayers for a momentous visit to our sacred Holy Land. 
We will wait for your safe return with anticipation and joy for all that you will learn.

Your souls will traverse the boundaries of time and space as this visit with Moses and David, Devorah and Rachel will surely take place.

We send you off with love and the whole of our hearts
That you will return rejuvenated from the journeys start

We will await the sharing of your precious memories
Of our sacred land and and blessings received.

Go in peace and return in peace
This we wish for you.
And bring back a bit of the magic that makes unique the life of a Jew.



May this journey home reach your deepest soul
May you find your own footsteps in the cobblestones
May you see you parents eyes in the faces of the stranger
May you feel at home as if you had been there forever
May the future and the past turn your head to see

Was it yesterday or today
The call of destiny

May you feel your body become the land 
May you find your prayers easier to understand.

Be safe, we say, with love and hope
Come back to share the depth, the scope
Of what it means to find your way home
To know that a Jew is never really alone
Celebrate the dance, the path, the story
And then come home safe and share the glory

'May God bless you and guard you
'May God’s countenance shine upon you and be gracious to you.
May God’s countenance turn toward you and grant you peace.'
We said goodbye today to Sally Gellman who passed away this past Tuesday. Sally was 93 years old and had lived at Davis for many years now. May her memory be always, for a blessing.
While at the funeral, I got my first look at what Florence left behind in our precious cemetery.  We lost a beautiful and majestic Oak tree. It is heart breaking to see the loss of what was a comforting bounty of shade and beauty that for well over a hundred years guarded our little burial garden. How strong were these winds that they uprooted this gentle giant. 
Lord, the air smells good today,
straight from the mysteries within
the garden of God.
The trees in their prayer,
the birds in praise,
the first blue violets,
— Rumi

Lets make a plan when the storm debris is cleaned up, to  plant some new trees together and grow a new sukkat shlomecha, a cover of peace, just as this old Oak had been for us. We will keep her memory alive by planting more trees in her honor. Let’s do it!
I want to share with you the picture of Camryn working hard to learn her maftir and Haftorah today at her weekly lesson, as she prepares for her Bat Mitzvah in March. I am so proud of her.
During Sukkot we read Kohelet, or Ecclesiasticies in English. It is a powerful piece of literature that addresses the very meaning of life in life of how fleeting and random it all seems to be. I wrote a piece this year after reading part of the actual text. I wanted to share it with you.

To everything, turn turn turn
Life moves through its motions
And humans yearn
Painting life through connecting the dots
All this will give is is what life is not
But the universe gives no one this power to demand
That life will look the way that we ourselves command

God or physics, or the way of motion
Life is a stage and you must flow with the notion
If something will be made to have a deeper meaning
It is only your conviction that will breath life into this believing
When you choose to live on the realness of life’s edge
You begin to see over that illusory ledge
For life on its own has little truth if any
Its only what we do that gives soul to it’s defending
Today is bright and tomorrow hurricane
One moment of falling, a moment of fame
Its all the roll of the dice
And it feels so random
Only what you do with it will change that abandon
And most, well most do nothing at all
They count their possessions and they risk the fall
It takes such courage to go beyond
To structure your hearts beat so that God’s world can be found
For as it stands, as long as you wait
Life’s whisper of what can be is stopped at the gate

Yet choose to walk through, choose to see
And a whole world opens where the soul can breath 
Choose to live in the world of God 
and nothing but nothing is a meaningless façade
For here the measure comes in a different form
The days are opportunities, not minutes to be worn
No not here in the world where God can thrive
Where every second every breath is a universe come alive
Nothing here is meaningless, nothing here is trite
Its up to us to step over that line and live it right
For no matter how you turn it, life turns its own key
And we must pick up the pieces  and make sense of what we see
The only way to freedom, to a different way to breath
Is to leave this behind for God’s holy reprieve.
Nothing is meaningless if only your eyes will see
This is the true birthing, the choice given to BE.
Kohellet tells the story of a mind caught in the boundaries of me
But step into God’s world and be overwhelmed by what you see
Kohellet is the mind that knows only its own step
It tells us only what most will one day regret
For the choice is ours, at every moment at every place
Real life turns a different corner, 
Where words replace
The surrender with joy and the ability to taste
The true meaning of life
Before God, face to face

No my friends, there is no meaningless charade
Only if you choose it will the darkness remain
Step out and step in to God’s holy abode
This is a meaningful life if ever it were told.
באהבה ושלום

Shabbat Shalom to all!
הרב אלישבע בת דוד ודבורה
Rabbi Julie Kozlow
(910) 762-1117 ~ B'nai Israel phone