Time for Prayer and Reflection

“Rising very early before dawn, Jesus left and went to a deserted place, where he prayed.” (Mark 1:35) Well, I won’t be going off to pray very early before dawn, but I will be going this Sunday afternoon to check into the Diocese of Orange’s House of Prayer for Priests for my annual retreat. And, do I need a retreat! We priests usually have our annual retreat in the first week of June, however as with so many other events, that got cancelled this year.

I will be there from Sunday afternoon through Friday evening and I ask your prayers for me during that time. You can be certain that you will be in my prayers (as you are every day). My spiritual director has suggested that, along with Scripture and sleep (!), I might read these two books: Grace: On the Journey to God (by Michael Casey) and a novel entitled Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger. I guess my director figures I need to concentrate on the grace of God instead of my own wits while I am away in prayer.

Peace and all good to you; thanks for your prayers in the coming week. If you are interested in learning more about our House of Prayer for Priests, go to the Diocese of Orange website www.rcbo.org and click on “About the House of Prayer for Priests”. This is a great blessing for us in our Diocese of Orange.
St. Timothy will not be passing out baby bottles this year but will be taking donations after every Mass every weekend in October. Please contribute in the jar or baskets that will be in the courtyard. Any checks should be made payable to St. Timothy and reference Pennies From
Heaven. Thank you for your support for our local respect life shelters and clinics.
Foundations: A Catholicism 101 Series
New episodes premiere on YouTube and Facebook every Sunday morning at 8am, with accompanying resources, questions and activities to help you have faith-centered conversations and experiences in the home every week, and learn more about our Catholic faith. For families, youth and adults of all ages to do together or for personal growth and reflection. Email Matt at mzemanek@st-timsrc.org for additional information or to be added to the e-mail list. The most recent episode is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpgT7Uv2icQ
Bible Study
This week's study can be found here:
Young Adult Ministry
THRIVE Young Adult Ministry is continuing to meet every Thursday from 7:30-9pm on Zoom. Join us for social time, Scripture study and discussion based on the upcoming Sunday readings (usually the second reading) and some fun Catholic trivia. Follow us on Instagram @thrive_yam for daily content, and email Matt at mzemanek@st-timsrc.org for additional information.

Youth Ministry
Our High School Youth Ministry is continuing to meet every Sunday from 7:30-8:30pm on Zoom. all teens are welcome to join us for an opportunity to check-in, play games, pray together and dive into Scripture. Follow us on Instagram @sttimsyouthministry and email Matt at mzemanek@st-timsrc.org for details.

Registration for the Sacrament of Confirmation is OPEN now and closes October 15! Registration is 100% online and can be completed here: https://form.jotform.com/82735587906168. Contact Matt at mzemanek@st-timsrc.org if you have any questions!
Children's Faith Formation

2020-21 Parent Meetings are scheduled via Zoom on the following dates:

Wednesday, October 14 | 6:30 - 7:30
Tiny Tims, Elementary and Sacramental Prep families

Thursday, October 15 | 6:30 - 7:30
Middle School families

Registration is still open until October 23. If you have registered and have not yet received an email with the Zoom meeting information, contact Marya Wallace, Director of Children’s Faith Formation, mwallace@st-timsrc.org.
Click HERE to view our weekly parish bulletin to stay up to date
on all of our news and activities.
Follow us on Facebook for daily spiritual content, Mass, updates, periodic events, and for a weekly rosary Live on Tuesdays at 8:30am. www.facebook.com/sttimothycc