March 21, 2020
Dear Brothers,

I bring you the Greetings and Prayers from all the Members of the Province Council. 

To say that we are living in interesting and even difficult times would be saying the least. I am writing today to remind us all that as most parts of our country are entering different levels of “restricted movement” and “shelter in place,” that a very important act of solidarity is to comply with what the public officials have asked.  
Please take this time of isolation for additional time of prayer and additional support to one another.  
Let’s not forget our Brothers in the three care centers who are on varying levels of isolation. Let’s not forget those Brothers that are in the Missions and far away from home.  Let’s not forget our seminarians studying in Rome. The seminary community just completed a two-week isolation period because the spouse of one of the house librarians was diagnosed with the virus. Thankfully, there were no reports of the virus among the seminarians or members of the General Administration community.  
  • I invite you to remember that we must pray for one another. 
  • I invite you to use technology to its best. Let’s use cell phone numbers to call some of our Brothers listed in the groups above. 
  • I invite you to contact family and relatives and close friends, especially those who are elderly.  
  • I invite you to send an email of prayerful support. 
  • I invite you to offer your prayer and sacrifice for all those that do not have the resources that we have. 
I understand that as this pandemic continues to move forward and as the days get longer that we might find it harder to follow the directives of our archdiocese(s) and state and local authorities. As faithful citizens, we must respect and honor the directives given by the government.  
To borrow and slightly adjust a quote from Bro. Paul Hoffman (Director of the Siena Woods Community) in an email to Marianists in the Dayton area, “I am concerned about the effect this will have on our men as time goes on. What will the social isolation do to our spirits?” Bro. Paul was speaking about the effects on the members of his Community. This is a wise statement for all of us.  
Our concern must be:
  • How do we continue to be Brothers of Hope & Joy in a world that seems to be lost? 
  • How do we support one another? 
  • How are we Brother to one another across the miles?  
Again, I invite you to pick up the phone and call a brother or two. I invite you to pray for one another. If you don’t have the direct number for a Brother at one of the care centers, either write me here in St. Louis or write the Director of the Care Center, and we will get you the number.  
Just to inform you that the City and County of St. Louis have now issued a mandatory “stay-at-home” order, so this means we will be doing our best to follow the guidelines. If you have an emergency and there is no one answering the phone at the West Pine Office, please feel free to call the person needed on his cell phone.  

Again, Brothers, know of our prayers and let us call on our faith and the witness to the faith of Mary and our Marianist heroes, as we go forward in these uncertain times.

United in Our Marianist Vocation, 
Rev. Oscar Vasquez, SM
Please Note: These special messages are intended for SM's only. Please print out the letter for those brothers who do not have access to a computer.
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.