August 31, 2018
Regarding abuse and the protection of children


The issue of sexual abuse continues to be in the headlines. The province and ministries in Dayton have been contacted with regards to whether the brothers named in the Pennsylvania grand jury report had ministered at our schools there.  Some of the information they were able to find because of on-line archives from ministries/newspapers in Dayton and other cities. The information on Bro. Hartman and Bro. Mravintz is information that the newspapers already had access to because of the sites listed above. Please read the following response to Dayton media inquiry that will be sent out today. 

Once again, I call upon the province to pray for all those that have been affected by abuse, those who have been the perpetrators and those of us who now live with the repercussions. This reminds us to be even more intentional in our understanding of our current child protection policies as we protect children and vulnerable adults.

-Fr. Oscar

Response to Dayton media inquiry

In 2014, the Marianist Province of the United States contacted alumni from the former Chaminade High School in Dayton (now Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School) and North Catholic High School in Pittsburgh regarding Bro. Bernard Hartman, SM as Bro. Hartman taught at Chaminade High School from 1961-1963 and North Catholic High School from 1986-1997. Bro. Hartman did not ever work at the University of Dayton. 

Bro. Hartman was accused of sexual abuse of minor when he taught in Australia in the 1970s and 1980s. He was eventually convicted and was sentenced to prison in Australia. The letter sent to the alumni at both schools requested that anyone that had any information regarding abusive behavior by Bro. Hartman or any Marianist to please contact the Marianist Province. We did not receive any allegations of abuse by Bro. Hartman from graduates of either school at the time of our communication and we have not received any allegations since that time.

As a result of that communication by the Province to our alumni, four other Marianists were accused of abusive behavior at North Catholic. These brothers were named in the recent Pennsylvania grand jury report. Our records show the following connections (or the lack thereof) to Chaminade High School and the University of Dayton.

Bro. William Hildebrand, SM
  • Chaminade High School 1946-1947
  • No known connection to the University of Dayton.

Bro. John Keegan, SM
  • Graduated from the University of Dayton in 1948 with a bachelor’s degree in education. There is no record of his employment with the University of Dayton.
  • Chaminade High School 1952-1953

Bro. Julius May, SM
  • Graduated from the University of Dayton in 1928 with a bachelor’s degree. There is no record of his employment with the University of Dayton.
  • Chaminade High School 1928-29 and 1940-1946

Bro. Francis Meder, SM
  • Worked at the University of Dayton in maintenance from 1942-1947.
  • Worked at Chaminade High School 1947-1948
Although not named in the report, Bro. Ralph Mravintz, SM pleaded no contest and was convicted in 1986 in Pittsburgh of disorderly conduct related to sexual contact. He graduated from the University of Dayton in 1950 and worked at the University from 1965-1974. There is no known connection to Chaminade High School. 

In 2009, the Marianist Province of the United States was also made aware of and began investigating an allegation against a Marianist related to a 1977 incident in another state of inappropriate behavior that was not abusive in nature. In accordance with Province policy, while the investigation was underway, the Marianist, who was then employed by the University of Dayton, was suspended from pubic ministry, no longer lived on campus and did not teach. Civil authorities in the relevant state were contacted, prosecutors declined to press charges, and no lawsuits were filed. The University indicated that it never received any complaints of misconduct against him. After the investigation, he did not return to the University.

There is no record of allegations of abuse of any of these men while at either Chaminade High School or the University of Dayton.

The Marianist Province of the United States is deeply saddened and ashamed of the recent revelations of abuse allegations in our Church including some Marianists. In all places that we minister, we are called to provide a safe atmosphere for all people. The Marianists have had a robust program in place since 2002 for protecting minors and other vulnerable persons led by an independent review board of lay professionals. The Marianists are committed to cooperating with law enforcement for any reports of sexual abuse and protecting minors from this grave evil. The Marianists have no religious members in ministry against whom a substantiated claim of abuse of a minor has been made.

Please Note: These special messages are intended for SM's only. Please print out and share with those brothers who do not have access to a computer.
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