February 8, 2021
Dear Brothers,

We are pleased to inform you that the Provincial Council has agreed to award the Marianist Lay Community of North America (MLC-NA) seed funding to establish a full-time National Director. “The MLC-NA is grateful to the Society of Mary for providing the funding to establish this position,” says Margy Lisjak, chair of the MLC-NA. “This transformative gift allows MLC-NA to take the next step toward building on the momentum that occurred with the employment of a part-time administrator. I am excited to see MLC-NA’s vision become a reality. This position will help us build the capacity of our lay members, strengthen our interdependence and deepen our engagement and communication within the broader Marianist Family.”

This commitment is in-line with the priorities outlined in the Province Directional Statements adopted last March. In the formation process of these statements, one of the most frequently mentioned needs was responding to the call of the 2018 General Chapter that we be more fully “A man who does not die” as we are, “in mission with the Marianist Family.“ Consistent with Statement 3, we’ve been in discussions with Margy about how we may help support leadership, spiritual/apostolic formation and organizational structures that strengthen and sustain the Marianist Lay Family. 

This is an exciting time for the Marianist Family. We look forward to collaborating with the MLC-NA as it continues to expand and facilitate the growth of the Marianist Family and Marianist Charism. The MLC-NA will release additional information, including a job description in the coming weeks. 

United in the Marianist Charism,
Fr. Oscar Vasquez

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