April 7, 2021
Wednesday, Octave of Easter
Dear Brothers,

Happy Easter! Amen, Alleluia! Our Savior has risen! We are called to be a people of the Resurrection. A people of hope and joy amid a very different world. We are separated by many miles, yet we have our common Marianist vocation. 

Virtual Easter Gatherings

The Provincial Council presents the second installment of meetings to unite us as Brothers. We offer these virtual Easter gatherings as a reminder of our joy and longing for our traditional gatherings. Please join us! 

The virtual Easter meetings will allow a small group of brothers to gather for faith-sharing, support and fun. Bro. Jesse O'Neill will facilitate these gatherings. Please click here for details.

Thank you.
Circular #6
The Marianist Mission, Alive and Thriving

With the Covid vaccine's release in recent months, we have started to see a change—a change towards a spirit of hope. 

The responsorial psalm for Easter Sunday reminds us, "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad." This is not only our song; this needs to be our clear mission, a description of how we move forward.  

Click here to read Circular #6. 
Fr. Oscar Vasquez, SM
Please Note: This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not have a computer