October 12, 2021
Feast Our Lady of the Pillar
United in Prayer
Please join the Provincial Council in prayerful support of the Chaminade Julienne community. It has experienced three sudden deaths. In the past month, two faculty members have died and, yesterday, a current freshman was killed in a drowning accident. We join in prayerful support of the families of the faculty members and the student as well as the entire CJ community. In a special way, we remember the three Marianists who currently minister at CJ:

                             Sr. Nicole Trahan
                             Bro. Justin Quiroz
                             Fr. Bob Jones

I encourage communities to keep this intention in your daily prayer and Mass. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.  

Rev. Oscar Vasquez, SM

Please note: These special messages are intended for SM's only. Please share this special message with those brothers who do not have access to a computer.
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