Dear Jenny,

If you attended our recent conference, thank you for helping make it a success! Whether or not you were able to join us, we want to remind you of the next phase in the APAP Sustainability Plan.

As we have shared with you, APAP is in year one of the Plan. While over the last several months most of our team was focused on executing the 2025 conference, now the entire APAP staff will be all-in working towards the Plan's year-one milestones.

Supporting You by Supporting Staff.

We believe that to meet the milestones, we must also take care of our staff, so we can move forward with the renewed energy, clarity, and focus we need to implement the Plan and serve you better.

For this reason, the APAP staff will have a "purposeful pause" from February 3-28, 2025 in order to rest and reset. Rest assured, we are putting systems in place to maintain essential services and ensure continuity during this pause.

What Can I Expect during the "Purposeful Pause"?

The Pause will be a quiet period for many of APAP's activities, such as regular programming and communications. Some services will be available on a self-serve basis. Others will be paused until the APAP staff returns on March 3, 2025.

Which Services will be Available on Self-Serve Basis in February? What Services be Paused until March 3?

Conference: Conference attendees will have access to the conference online platform for the entire month of February, should you want to browse attendees, exhibitors, showcases, session replays, etc. If you haven't already, we also invite you to take the APAP|NYC 2025 Conference Survey. If you are interested in being considered for the 2026 conference committee or recommend a plenary speaker for APAP|NYC 2026, click here.

Membership: Members who are in their 90-day renewal period may renew their memberships online. You will also have access to membership receipts and invoices and PDFs of the membership directory with your member login here. Those interested in joining APAP as a new member can indicate your interest here, and you will be contacted by an APAP team member in March.

Communications: Starting January 28, you will have access to select post-conference content on the APAP YouTube channel. (February is a great time to catch up on what you missed.) Our bi-weekly membership newsletter Spotlights, advertising opportunities, and social media will resume in March.

Programming: APAP events will be paused in February. If you're interested in Affinity Groups, Mentor Exchange, or our Leadership Programs (Emerging Leadership Program, Young Performers Career Advancement, etc.) email, and we will respond when we return in March.

Advocacy: With the new administration in place and new session of Congress in progress, stay engaged with your representatives. If you haven't already, watch the APAP|NYC 2025 session, Advocating Post Election: What You Need to Know Now. We encourage you to join the Americans for the Arts Art Action Fund for info on advocacy-specific webinars and news and check out Artists From Abroad for updates on visa and other artist exchange issues.

Other Services: The APAP Job Bank and APAP Live Performance Calendar will both be available for those who would like to post listings to them, although customer support will not be available. Visa letters may be requested from APAP at, and processing requests will resume upon our return in March.

Support APAP: Donations to APAP are appreciated and can be made online at any time here. For more information about how you can support APAP, visit here.

Contact APAP: In February, while the staff is on pause, you may email APAP at for general inquiries and for conference-related questions. These email boxes will be monitored periodically throughout the month.

We appreciate your support. The APAP Sustainability Plan sets the stage for a bright future. As we look ahead, we’re deeply committed to serving you.


Lisa Richards Toney

President and CEO, APAP

Christopher Heacox

Board Chair, APAP

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