GOAL: an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envision, plan, and commit to achieve.
If you are like me, you are looking at the calendar today and wondering where on earth 2023 went. From a calendar perspective, it flew by; from a workload perspective, we accomplished a lot, and I wonder how we did it all.
The answer is YOU!
We invite you to look at our top five 2023 goals. We launched the year building a team and dreaming of the future. Then, we turned those dreams into goals. We aimed, we worked, we pivoted, we succeeded, we failed forward, we learned, we grew, and we aim again... the cycle continues, always propelling us forward as we consistently strive to discover the most innovative ways to make an impact. Our vision: change the model of philanthropy in our region.
Thank you for allowing us to do this work and partnering to make our world a better place, one community at a time.
Warm Regards,