GOAL: an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envision, plan, and commit to achieve.

If you are like me, you are looking at the calendar today and wondering where on earth 2023 went. From a calendar perspective, it flew by; from a workload perspective, we accomplished a lot, and I wonder how we did it all.

The answer is YOU!

We invite you to look at our top five 2023 goals. We launched the year building a team and dreaming of the future. Then, we turned those dreams into goals. We aimed, we worked, we pivoted, we succeeded, we failed forward, we learned, we grew, and we aim again... the cycle continues, always propelling us forward as we consistently strive to discover the most innovative ways to make an impact. Our vision: change the model of philanthropy in our region.

Thank you for allowing us to do this work and partnering to make our world a better place, one community at a time.

Warm Regards,


Launch 3 New Projects & Increase Outreach with more Nonprofits in 2023

OUTCOME: This turned out different than we thought... but different in a good way. We launched 2 new projects, one containing 12 micro-projects, and we created a "Ready to Act Fund" for projects to come. This resulted in financial investments in 20 different nonprofits! We embarked on something new - a task that had lingered on our "to-do" list for the past couple of years due to bandwidth constraints. We introduced the $100K Out of the Box Project, which opened our eyes to over 60 different nonprofits.

Revisit our Strategic Plan & Improve the Must! Internal Infrastructure so we are Best Equipped for the Future

OUTCOME: The board, a few collaborative team members, our staff, and one of our founders gathered for a half-day session facilitated by Beth Wonson. We refined our vision and mission and created a new strategic plan to launch in 2024. As of today, we have four full-time team members on staff. We are revisiting our Collaborative Contributors Circle structure to engage more donors and increase our community outreach and project investments in our region.

$3M Raised at Purpose Event

OUTCOME: It was an ambitious goal (many didn't want me to say it aloud - but why not? I'm not one to create easy goals that are always a slam dunk, plus "3 in '23" sounded good). Bottom line we didn't reach the goal... BUT... we raised close to $2 MILLION and the event was incredible! We are super stoked as we were able to generate over $1.1M for our "Ready to Act Fund" which supports new community projects - we've got a handful in the vetting process as I type this.

Create More Donor Engagement Opportunities

OUTCOME: We piloted some new concepts in 2023. We hosted a few small donor gatherings and brought in our non-profit project partners to share about the projects and show donors how their dollars are making a difference. The results were powerful. We learned that you all like to gather together, you all like to know where your money is going, and you all like to see big impacts made! And we are here for it! As we roll out 2024, we have a full year's calendar of opportunities for you to engage in as donors, from Project Impact Updates to Project Tours to Brown Bag Lunch conversations. We can't wait to be with you!

Increase our Community Giving by 9%

OUTCOME: We are getting close to achieving this goal! As year-end giving draws nearer, we see an uptick in donations. We have about $100K needed to make this happen. Each year, we set a goal to increase our community-giving revenue stream. This money does not come from events but is true to form, community giving. Whether it is a personal monthly gift, a transactional business model (such as Buck-a-Bottle), making a donation as a gift in someone's name, or giving through your donor-advised fund, it all adds up, and the result is that when we GIVE TOGETHER, we can CHANGE A LOT!

Did you know... 100% goes directly back into our community projects?

So that's it... our top five goals for 2023 all wrapped up. We are excited and proud of what we have achieved together, acknowledging where we still aim to grow. We also can't wait to share some exciting news as we roll into 2024!

THANK YOU for investing in Must! Charities and allowing us to put 100% of your dollars to work in our community!

Because of YOU, local non-profits and thousands of lives are positively impacted!

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