City and County of San Francisco

Adult Probation Department
The San Francisco Adult Probation Department values the individuality and diversity of clients, recognizes the challenges they face, and invests in their success through services designed to address their needs and help them permanently exit the justice system.
A Message From Chief Fletcher
Dear Friends,

Black History Month is a time we pay tribute to the heroes and heroines of U.S. history and recognize the tremendous contributions they have made to American culture. We acknowledge the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society. While looking back at the significant strides we have made as a Nation, we must reflect on the continued struggle for racial justice and equity. 
Lonnie Bunch, the Founding Director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture, stated it perfectly, “African American History — and its celebration throughout February — is just as vibrant today as it was when Woodson created it 85 years ago. Because it helps us to remember there is no more powerful force than a people steeped in their history. And there is no higher cause than honoring our struggle and ancestors by remembering.” 
This is a time of reflection and a time of hope for our future.

Karen L. Fletcher
Chief Adult Probation Officer
San Francisco Adult Probation Department
Black History Month
In 1916, Carter G. Woodson established the "Association for the Study of Negro Life and Culture," an organization whose goal was to make black history accessible to a wider audience. He believed his role was to use black history and culture as a weapon in the struggle for racial uplift. Mr. Woodson created Negro History Week in 1926 to celebrate and recognize the contributions of African Americans to U.S. history. The week-long celebration was expanded in 1976 and officially became Black History Month.
"Knowing the Past Opens the Door to the Future The Continuing Importance of Black History Month" View Here
Upcoming Event
You're Invited!!

The San Francisco Adult Probation Department and members of its Community Advisory Board are hosting the Remembrance of Lights gathering on March 11, 2021 at 5 pm to honor those we have lost to overdose and the pandemic.
Willie Brown Fellowship Program
We're excited to welcome our new Willie Brown Fellows to the San Francisco Adult Probation Department, Naaley Khounpaseuth and Camila Sanchez Tejada. The Willie L. Brown, Jr. Fellowship Program places San Francisco State University students in prestigious internships within various City and County of San Francisco departments. The fellowship, launched in 2008, provides San Francisco State students who have faced barriers pursuing a college education with an opportunity to gain professional experience in the public sector while developing a lifelong commitment to public service. At the same time, the program provides San Francisco’s public agencies with diverse, qualified and well-educated interns. Naaley and Camila will be co-leading projects in our Reentry Division.  
Naaley Khounpaseuth

Naaley, a junior at San Francisco State University is pursuing a degree in Political Science. During her fellowship she will be coordinating the activities of the Reentry Council's Housing Work Group, which is focused on the housing needs of justice involved people in San Francisco. Additionally, Naaley will be informing APD’s social media campaign starting with Black History Month.

Camila Sanchez Tejada

Camila, a senior at San Francisco State University, is pursuing a degree in Political Science. During her fellowship she will be coordinating activities of Women First, the Reentry Council’s newest subcommittee charged with the implementation of the Women’s Community Justice Reform Blue Print, and aid in the implementation of the new Recovery Pathways Initiative for women.

New Initiatives
Mental Health Housing Program

The San Francisco Adult Probation Department has been awarded "The Justice and Mental Health Grant" from the Bureau of Justice Assistance. In partnership with Westside Community Services, we'll soon be launching the City's first mental health housing program in the Bayview for justice-involve adults.
SAMHSA Communities of Practice

To continue our pursuit for racial justice and excellence in reentry services, the San Francisco Adult Probation Department has been selected by SAMHSA to convene two Community of Practice's bringing together our community partners to create coordinated strategic plans and implementation strategies for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Reentry, as well as Engaging Clients for Successful Reentry.

In the Community
A special thanks to Amity Foundation for their commitment to support our clients. As part of our continued efforts to give back to our community, APD delivered Valentine's gift bags to women at Home Free and Cameo House.
Partnership with the Latino Task Force
A special thanks to the Latino Task Force for their continued support of the Interrupt, Predict, and Organize (IPO) program. IPO is a violence prevention and workforce development initiative created by former San Francisco Mayor, Ed Lee. The 12-month IPO program braids case management, career development, and subsidized employment.

IPO Workforce Development Program: Video

Visit the new CASC Website:

Check it Out!
Getting Out & Staying Out
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