Throughout my time at St. David’s, I have grown dependent on one particular constant in my ministry: Catherine Roberts, ‘Priest Wrangler.’
Catherine juggles as many plates as anyone on staff, and does so with grace and finesse. She has kept me on track and mostly on time. She has done all the normal things one would expect of an executive assistant, as well as myriad things not normally included in the work. She is both playful and direct, good humored and a little salty, faithful and a bit irreligious – the perfect recipe for a clergy person’s EA. All these things have also made it great fun to come to work with her. Perhaps most importantly, Catherine knows and loves you, the parishioners of St. David’s, and that has made my work as rector immeasurably easier.
As you read above, Catherine feels it is time for her to retire from her work as executive assistant to the rector. Her last day at work will be Sept. 5.
Thankfully, Catherine has given us plenty of runway to fill her position. The position of executive assistant to the rector will be posted May 20. Reviewing of resumes and interviews will follow. We hope to hire by the end of July so the new person can work alongside Catherine for a while and learn the complicated ropes of this work. I ask you to pray for us as we seek a new person to fill this role and pray for Catherine and her family as they discern God’s calling in their lives.
While she is retiring from her work here, she is not retiring from St. David’s. We may see her and her “boys” (as she calls husband Paul and son Nathan) less as they travel more, but they are firmly members of this fabulous parish, so will remain “ours.”
Mark your calendars now to join us Sunday, Aug. 25, during the formation hour (10-11 a.m.) as we honor and celebrate Catherine’s 20 years of work at St. David’s. It will be a fun party!