Muma College of Business colleagues, donors, students, and friends,

Earlier today, the University of North Florida Board of Trustees voted to name me as the university’s president-elect. While this appointment requires approval by the board that governs Florida’s public universities, I am honored to be selected as president-elect and will continue discussions with UNF about this role.

Serving as the dean of the Muma College of Business at the University of South Florida for the last decade has been a joy and I am extremely proud of the accomplishments that, collectively, we have made. Our accomplishments improved the lives of our students, launched the careers of our alumni, and extended the reach and impact of the business school far beyond the university’s borders.

I must thank, of course, the donors who invested in our college and made so many of our new initiatives, new programs, and bold changes possible, starting with Pam and Les Muma who truly transformed our college. Our successes are a direct result of their investments, along with the investments of people such as Lynn Pippenger, the Collier family, the Bellini family, the Vinik family, Kate Tiedemann, Ellen Cotton, and Monica Wooden. Their major gifts, combined with the gifts of hundreds of individual donors, corporate sponsors, and faculty and staff, made it possible for this college to become a rising star in this university, in the greater Tampa Bay community, and among our academic peers. I am thankful for the support.

I am also grateful to have been able to lead this business school under the direction of outstanding presidents such as Judy Genshaft and Rhea Law. The future of USF is bright under the leadership of President Law and I look forward to seeing what the university can achieve next.

I am also grateful for our provost, Ralph Wilcox, who, alongside our president, believes in this business school, this leadership team, and the power of business research and scholarship. The support, and the support of many other USF leaders across all of our campuses, including former president Steve Currall, our regional chancellors, my fellow deans and other USF leaders, has been tremendous. 

Of course, the boots on the ground for all of our successes are worn by the faculty and staff of the Muma College of Business. Your presence, performance, persistence, and passion have been key to every success.
Again, this appointment is subject to the approval of the Florida Board of Governors, which will meet June 28-30, but I wanted you to know as soon as possible and to thank you for your support and friendship during the last decade. I am forever grateful to each one of you.