Dear CRC Supporter,

My great-grandfather migrated from England to the United States with only the shirt on his back, the clothes in his suitcase and the money in his pockets. Building a life for himself was not easy and he needed help along the way. My great-grandfather found the help he needed back then and went on to leave a legacy of compassion and activism with his children, and his children’s children, through to my generation and beyond.

I am proud to be part of an organization that helps meet the most critical needs facing our neighbors shelter, food and safety from domestic violence.

September is Hunger Action Month and we have seen some very generous donations come in to help fill the carts for hungry families in our community. Did you know that 1 in 5 children in San Diego County is uncertain about where their next meal is coming from? Community Resource Center is here, helping address this need and providing resources for families to thrive. I hope you will continue to help fill the carts and join me in advocating for a hunger-free San Diego by exploring the links and articles in this newsletter.
I am excited to join the people who have helped transform lives in our community for nearly 40 years. Thank you for your dedication to serving our neighbors in need. Someone’s great-grandson is going to be impacted by what you do today.

John Van Cleef
Executive Director
Spotlight on: Hunger Action Month
Many children, seniors and families in our own community face food insecurity every day. In fact, 1 in 8 San Diegans may not know where their next meal is coming from. CRC distributes food and personal care items to more than 400 households each month.

Watch this video to see an amazing group of Girl Scouts giving back this month ... and learn how you can get involved below!
How you can help:
Host a food drive to help collect our most needed items. Download and print our  Food Drive poster.
Contact us with any questions!
Sign a letter to tell your member of congress to fight against attempts to cut CalFresh, which helps families put healthy food on the table.
Make a gift to help fill more carts. Thanks to our bulk purchasing power, your gift can have a  BIG impact for families in need!
Holiday Baskets Registration is Open
Could your family or someone you know benefit from Holiday Baskets , a free holiday shopping experience including food, coats, blankets and gifts? CRC is now registering families and individuals through October 31. Learn more about registration
Save the date for Jingle & Mingle
Tuesday, December 11 at 5:30 pm at the Del Mar Fairgrounds
Save the date for our holiday fundraiser, featuring behind-the-scenes tours of Holiday Baskets, live music from the Heart of Leo, festive food and drinks and raffle prizes. Ticket information coming soon!

Interested in becoming a sponsor? View our sponsorship opportunities or contact Lauren Montague at [email protected] for more information.
CRC is open for visitors!
Join us for a tour of our Food & Nutrition Center and learn more about how you can get involved!

RSVP for an upcoming Open House:
Fall Volunteering
As the leaves begin to fall and the weather cools down (well, at least a little!), we hope you will FALL for volunteering at CRC! Check out the latest opportunities to get involved at CRC in our Fall Volunteer Opportunities page. Questions about volunteering? Please contact Sara at [email protected] .
Thank you to our recent donors and partners:
Supporters over $25,000
Price Philanthropies Foundation

Supporters over $5,000
Emergency Food & Shelter Program
Bravo Foundation
Anne Daigle and Richard Heyman

Major In-Kind Supporters
Fresh Rescue partners, who donate food weekly to our food center: Jimbo's...Naturally!, Target, Ralph's, Trader Joe's, Sprouts, Gelson's, 7-11, Lazy Acres and WalMart.
Soma Bra Donation to Domestic Violence Program (Soma Boutique at The Forum at Carlsbad)
Exposure Skate
November 3 & 4, 2018
EXPOSURE, a nonprofit dedicated to empowering women through skateboarding, is hosting Exposure Skate on November 3 and 4, with event proceeds benefiting our domestic violence shelter. The event will feature 150+ female skaters, autograph signings, learn-to-skate clinics, games and a vendor village. EXPOSURE is seeking volunteers and supporters to make the event possible. Learn more
Community Resource Center | (760) 753-1156 |  [email protected]  |