Advent & Christmas
at Christ the King
God’s beloved of Christ the King,
During this Advent and Christmas season I marvel at how God is creating a fresh palette --- beaming with possibility from which creativity and hope spring forth. This Advent and Christmas season will be like none other: in-person gatherings transform into online worship, coffee hours over zoom, drive-thru communion and Christmas Eve experiences. Into the stillness of this environment, Christmas will come and hope will be born in our hearts once again.
I am so blessed to work with such a creative staff, council, and volunteers who are excited to celebrate Advent and Christmas with you in a different way. Understanding that this is a different type of year, know that I am available to you for support, conversation, and prayer.
You are welcome to join us during the many exciting Advent and Christmas offerings at Christ the King. Each Sunday----watch the worship service on CTK’s website or YouTube.
Advent themes: watch, wait, wonder, worship.
Sat Dec 5 9:30 am
Zoom “Finding Hope during "these" Holidays.”
Pastor Jackie will lead this time of processing grief and finding joy this Advent and Christmas season.
All Zoom links available through Thursday's CTK connections.
Sun Dec 6 10-11am
Drive-thru communion.
Shorehaven giving tree drop off.
Sun Dec 13 9am
On line Intergenerational Christmas Program
Sun Dec 13 10-11am
Zoom coffee hour: "Coffee and Christmas Customs with Pr. Cook" (aka, Pr. Jackie.)
Make yourself a warm beverage and share your decorating traditions.
Sun Dec 20 10-11am
Zoom coffee hour: "Cookies and Cocoa (or coffee) with Pr. Jackie.
Make yourself a warm beverage and grab some Christmas cookies to eat and to show. Sharing cookie recipes and Christmas stories.
December 20 4 pm
Virtual Lessons and Carols Advent Christmas Concert
"Away in a Manger”
in a year where we feel
“Far Away from the Manger."
Let the songs of the season show a
"Way back to the manger."
Directed by Mark Gould
Mon Dec 21 4-8 pm
Ecumenical Longest Night Prayer Labyrinth
"Blue Christmas"
Located at: Kettle Moraine United Presbyterian Church
N66 W32690 County Hwy K, H (locate ¼ mile East of Stone Bank)
Christmas Eve Thursday, Dec 24
Online Christmas Eve Worship 3pm
Drive-through Christmas Eve Experience 3-5pm
Sign up for a time to drive through the stations:
Live Nativity, Christmas Music,
Holy Communion, prayer luminaries
with firepit and s’mores.
Check your weekly Thursday "Connections" for more details on all events.
Other ways to connect:
Share some of the photos you take with your smart phones! We know you are taking photos all of the time! Simply forward them to Breanna via her email address below so that she can post them. Include your names and what the photo is about so Breanna can include that information. If you like, you could even record a video to send. Below is a list of some ideas to get your creative juices flowing! Pastor Jackie has a theme for each week of Advent so you can take photos to go along with her Sermon Themes also! We want to see you, please share your photos!
Let's fill our Facebook page and website with joyous photos of all the faces we are all missing!!
NOW/This week:
Photos: Your outdoor Christmas decorations
Sermon Theme: WATCH...Ex: a wild turkey in my yard and being amazed by God's creatures, watch for everyday miracles!
Dec. 6th week:
Photos: Your family with their St. Nick's stockings or Christmas tree
Sermon Theme: WAIT...EX: waiting for a letter or card in the mailbox , mother waiting for her baby to be born...
Dec. 13th week:
Photos: Your family Nativity Scene/Creche with the history
Sermon Theme: WONDER EX: photos of your ponderings or awe-inspiring sites, moments from the Children's Christmas program...
Dec. 20th week:
Photos: Your Christmas Cookies or favorite/traditional foods
Theme: WORSHIP...share devotionals or your family mealtime and bedtime prayers...
Dec. 27th week:
Photos: Your family playing your favorite board game or sharing some other family tradition...
Jan. 3rd week:
Photos: Your family NY Eve celebration...or New Year's Resolutions for 2021
Feel free to be creative and expand on the ideas given above. Challenge other CTK members to send in photos! You could even send in videos of your family singing a favorite Christmas carol...along to a CD or YouTube recording. We have some very musical families who could do a great job without help from Karaoke! Don't be shy! Email your photos anytime (does not have to be the week listed above)!
Let's fill our Facebook page and website with joyous photos of all the faces we are all missing!!
Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas,
Pastor Jackie Cook (on behalf of the staff and many volunteers)