Daylight Savings Time (DST) begins this Sunday at 2am. By each of us moving our clocks forward one hour we are able to coordinate the timing of our lives with each other. I know this may be a shock to your body on Sunday morning when your alarm clock goes off in time for you to get ready for church. But the benefits will reward your effort. I will have been praying for you since 4:30am (DST).
You will experience God in some fresh, and familiar ways.
You will
"spring forward" in your life purpose. People are looking forward to seeing you. Sharing yourself and your talents will be a blessing for others. Great Bible Study via Sunday School and worship services are prepared. My sermon will connect God's promises to the timing of your life. By clicking on you can hear a 60 second intro to my sermon,
"The Freedom To Decide: What Your Choices Reveal", John 8:1-11.
Also this Sunday Dave Ballard will share an important update from our Search Team for a minister for Young Adults. We are
springing forward in reaching the 20's, 30's, and 40's. For those traveling on Spring Break, schedule either this Sunday or the next to be with your Trinity family.
God is our constant. He is our alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, and all that is between.