New Year Brings Major Changes to RBOA
For many, a new year provides the vehicle for change. For some, it’s a time to make resolutions for improvements or corrections. For others, it offers a chance to redefine goals – personal and professional. And, for some, it can be a time for new beginnings.
That’s about to happen – for me and for RB Oppenheim Associates (RBOA).
I founded RBOA 37 years ago, on August 5, 1985. I still remember that morning vividly – and cherish so many memories that have filled the years since. It’s been an amazing journey. But, in time, all things change. For me, that change is my retirement. For RBOA, that change is new leadership, as our Executive Vice President and Chief Digital Officer Michael Winn takes the wheel as President, CEO and new owner of our firm and our digital marketing division, Digital Opps. Both are effective at the moment the iconic Waterford Crystal ball drops in Times Square Saturday night.
These changes have quietly been in the works for months – and we could not be more happy and excited for them. Yes, it is hard for me to walk away from something that has been part of my heart, soul and identity for nearly four decades. But, it gives me great comfort to know that what I’ve built – with the help of so many others – will be in extraordinarily capable hands. Michael has been at my side since joining RBOA in January 2011 and has been an instrumental part of our growth and success over the past 12 years. He is fully prepared to lead our team – and ensure the success of our clients –during the years ahead. He has my absolute confidence and support, and I’m excited about his vision for RBOA’s future. My own title will shift to Founder and Of Counsel. I will be assisting with the transition for the next 90 days and will be available for consultations or assistance beyond that, if needed. My heart will always be connected to RBOA – though also open and ready for the adventures that await the next phase of my life.
Thank you to my family, friends, employees, interns, colleagues, clients, strategic partners, vendors and advisors who have made this incredible journey – for me and for RBOA – possible. In various ways, you all have had an impact on me, personally and professionally. You have my appreciation, respect, love and gratitude. I will always cherish every one of you.
In our RBOA holiday e-card, we led with a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “It’s not the destination, it's the journey.” This has been an amazing journey – but I couldn’t be more pleased to have reached this destination.
Best wishes to all for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. I know that an incredible 2023 awaits us. Savor the journey!
With gratitude, respect and love,