 I will be making an official announcement today that I will not seek re-election to Texas Senate in District 8. I want you to hear the news first. It has been my honor to serve the citizens of Senate District 8 for almost two decades. The time has come for me to pursue new opportunities. I am excited about the future and will continue with my passion for our great state. None of this would have been possible without your support. I offer you a heartfelt "thank you" for standing and working with me during my time in the Senate. Together, we have accomplished much including major pieces of legislation, such as Ashley's Laws, the Texas Mobility Fund, and numerous education reform initiatives including the first-ever incentive pay program, educational reforms promoting college and career readiness, ending the TAKS test, instituting End of Course Exams, and providing more meaningful accountability for schools. My parent's came to the United States in search of the American dream, and I lived it. I entered public service as a Plano City Council member, then Mayor. I then entered the Texas Senate, with a desire to promote opportunity and to make a difference in the lives of people. I am proud to have served the State of Texas and I am pleased to leave public service after having accomplished what I set out to do. This has been the most rewarding work an individual can do. I am optimistic about the future for our community. Senate District 8 is my home and also the home of my children and grandchildren, so I will remain committed to supporting leaders who want excellence for our community. My term in the Senate does not end until January 2013. I will continue to serve you at my District and Austin Capitol offices until that time, so please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you again for your friendship and your support. I look forward to our paths crossing in the near future. Sincerely,
 Florence Shapiro