Liebe TCGIS Gemeinschaft,
Tomorrow is the beginning of the next chapter of our shared, German immersion journey.
It has been a summer full of uncertainty, waiting, thinking, stressing, and planning. Your TCGIS team has done its very best to inform you, to reassure you, to include you. We have also leaned on you, drawing energy and inspiration from our shared mission of innovatively educating our kids - all aspects of them - through German immersion.
Seeing so many at Thursday’s virtual Back-to-School Night made this clear. Seeing so many touring our new facilities made this clear.
We built a school together.
We will manage the COVID school year together.
For some, this is TCGIS year one. For others, TCGIS year five, year ten or even more. TCGIS has always had challenges and through fifteen school years, our community has endured.
As we get going this week, I urge you to remember that 2020-21 is just one chapter in a longer journey that we are sharing.
At several junctures these last months, we have asked for your grace and patience as we work on so many novel problems. Please know that you have our grace and our patience as you work to best support your learners. We’re in this together.
Enjoy the first day of school! Can’t wait to see the pictures! : - )
Mit dankbarem Gruß
Ted Anderson