
55 Years In the Making And Just Getting Started!

On September 14, 1965, Pro Action of Steuben and Yates, Inc. was incorporated. We were created to serve the specific needs of communities on a local level and signed into law under the Economic Opportunity Act by President Lyndon B. Johnson. For 55 years our agency has tirelessly worked to fulfill our mission of building communities of resilient individuals and families who can meet their basic needs, overcome adversity, and prosper. We have done this by successfully adapting services and programs to meet the changing and evolving needs that have occurred over the last five and a half decades.
Most recently our nation, state and communities have faced one of the most challenging years in history due to a global pandemic, civil unrest, and natural disasters.  These challenges have proven that our mission is more important than ever. We know that we are all in this together! Pro Action has and will continue to be an integral part of our communities getting through difficult times. We are more committed than ever to the responsibilities we have for the people we serve.

As a Community Action Agency, we were born as part of the civil rights movement, and continue to denounce any acts that dehumanize anyone. We live by the Community Action Promise that articulates who we are and what we believe, “We care about the entire community”, And, in love and unity, we will take on the challenges of this time and continue to “embody the spirit of hope”.

Community Action Promise: Community Action changes people’s live, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.

As we celebrate our 55th year, we are asking that collectively we challenge our thinking. Whether it is 1000 miles away or next door, when we dismiss the lived experiences of poverty and racism or any other social problem as someone else’s, we are only letting it continue. The lived experiences of poverty and racism are 1,000 miles away AND next door.

During these challenging times you may have been asking yourself, “I am just one person, these are wicked problems, what can I do to make a difference? I have asked those same questions of myself and our agency. Here is Pro Action’s commitment:

WE will be an example for each other, for our children, our neighbors, and friends, for our customers and our partners. WE will demonstrate unity, WE can exemplify courage and kindness, WE will promote inclusion and equity, WE will act out of love. WE will stand for what is right and do it together.

As we envision the next 55 years, we envision a strong community where all individuals and families can not only prosper but are seen, heard, accepted, unified, safe, and engaged.

We believe through struggle a stronger more equitable, inclusive, and safer world will arise. Please stay safe everyone, take care of yourselves and every human.
Warm Regards,
Laura Rossman, MSM, CCAP
Pro Action works to build a community of resilient individuals and families who can meet their basic needs, overcome adversity, and prosper.
Pro Action of Steuben and Yates, Inc.
117 E. Steuben St. Bath, NY 14810