A Message from the Bishop

6 November, 2024

Dear friends in Christ,

We knew that whatever the election’s result there’d be work to do. But today, those of us who believed in the vice president to lead us are devastated, while those who believe the former president can do this are rejoicing. Given that the president-elect has pledged to make sweeping changes to our government, some are feeling uncertainty, even fear, about what that will mean, and others are looking forward to what they see as the best way forward.

There is work to be done, and we will do it together. The Episcopal Church in Maine will continue to respond to the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the best way we know, which means we’ll keep:

  • preserving democracy
  • separating the institutions of church and state—they’re not the same
  • making sure there’s healthcare for all, including mental health services, reproductive healthcare, treatment for addiction, and that LGBTQ adults and kids are safe and respected
  • caring for creation
  • caring for the least and lost, including immigrants and asylum seekers

This election will not keep us from being disciples of Jesus Christ who join with God in the work of peace and justice. God is bigger than today, and bigger than the United States. We will be still—some of us less so today than we’d like —but we shall be still and know that God is God. 

In one of the Psalms we hear this: 

The nations make much ado, and the kingdoms are shaken. The God of Jacob is our stronghold. The mountains tremble in tumult. The Lord of Hosts is with us.

Take very good care with one another, and with yourself. 

May God bless you and keep you and may the Light of God’s countenance remain with you, always.

In Christ,

Bishop Thomas J. Brown

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