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Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Today, the city faces complex challenges like homelessness, public safety, and the need to modernize its operations. We are ready for bold, forward-thinking leadership. It is time to commit to a new culture at City Hall—one that moves the city forward.

As I take on the role of Council President, I am reminded of the incredible spirit that defines South Los Angeles—people who are dreamers, innovators, and doers. I know we can build on the success we’ve already seen in neighborhoods across the city. Our innovative programs are making a real difference, and it’s time to scale them up. By doing so, we can ensure that every community benefits from these solutions.

I believe in leading with vision. Los Angeles was built by people who were not afraid to dream big, and that same spirit should guide us now. We can reimagine what’s possible and tackle our biggest issues with creativity and collaboration on the Council and within city departments.

Finally, we must modernize how our city operates. It is time to update outdated systems to deliver better services to meet the needs of a 21st-century Los Angeles.

This is our moment to shape the future of our city. I’m honored to serve as your Council President, and together, we will build a stronger, more inclusive Los Angeles for all. By creating a culture of collaboration with city departments and the council, modernizing City Hall, and leading with vision, there is no limit to how big we can dream. 

With hope and in unity,

Marqueece Harris-Dawson

Photo Credit: Leroy Hamilton

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