It has been great seeing our students and staff settling into their school routines this week. While we continue to face challenges related to the pandemic, there is a positive buzz in our classrooms and on our athletic fields and playgrounds, as students enjoy a school experience that is much closer to normal.
Please review the information on our website regarding acceptable face coverings, based on recent CDC guidance. As always, if your child forgets to bring a mask to school, one will be provided. And while masks are not required when outdoors, please be advised that the Westchester County Department of Health may still require a student to quarantine after an exposure that takes place outside.
Answers to many COVID-related questions can be found on our FAQ, under the COVID-19 Resources tab, as well as the most recent CDC guidance.
Please continue to report positive cases using the school-specific email addresses located on the district website homepage, under "Click Here to Report a Positive COVID-19 Test Result." It is extremely important that you let us know if your child tests positive as soon as possible, so that the necessary contact tracing can be conducted. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say our hope is to move forward this school year with minimal interruptions, and that will require vigilance with regard to reporting cases.
As the school year gets underway, please refer to the online district calendar for upcoming events, school holidays, etc., and contact your child’s school with any questions about specific back-to-school programming.
The official first day of fall is next week -- always a wonderful time of year in our area. With beautiful weather in the forecast this weekend, I hope you find some time to get outside and enjoy it with your family.
Joseph Hochreiter