To the Virginia Wesleyan University Community

March 19, 2020

I write to you this afternoon, not with instructions or processes, but with reflections from the heart on the challenges we are all facing. In my 30 years as a college president, I have never experienced circumstances quite like these. It is a learning curve for all of us, one that comes with many emotions.

Students: I am sad that your on-campus experience has been taken from you. I especially ache for our seniors, who must forgo their final moments with friends, classmates, professors, and athletic teams. Please know that the decision to move to remote instruction for the remainder of the semester was extremely difficult and made with your safety at the top of our minds. I can only hope that you are comforted in knowing that your sacrifice means a great deal and directly impacts the health of our community, country and world. We pledge to continue the top-quality education you are accustomed to, and we are here to support you in every way we can through this time.

Faculty and Staff: Thank you. I cannot begin to express my gratitude for your dedication and resolve over the past several weeks as we have navigated this seemingly unprecedented situation. From our faculty’s swift development of remote course materials, to our staff’s efforts to maintain normal administrative operations and keep our campus clean and safe. I know you have all done this with our students’ safety and well-being at the forefront of your minds, and you’ve done it while taking care of your own families and keeping yourselves healthy. Thank you for being a part of this team and this family. We couldn’t make it through this without you.

Parents, Alumni, Community Partners and Friends: I am overwhelmed by the support we have received from you. The phone calls, emails, and messages of encouragement have warmed our hearts and served as a valuable reminder that we are all in this together—and that we are always better when we work together. We are juggling a lot of decisions and working at break-neck speed to change our way of life. Our hope is that we share pertinent information with you in the most timely and efficient manner possible, but if you do have questions or concerns that are not being addressed, please do not hesitate to reach out. We will respond as soon as we can.

University Leadership: Whether we are celebrating successes or navigating challenges, I am consistently amazed at your strength and steady hands. Our gratitude is immeasurable for the guidance and support of our Board of Trustees, President’s Cabinet, Alumni Council, President’s Council, and Parents Council. I especially want to thank our Emergency Response Team, led by Vice President for Academic Affairs Maynard Schaus, Vice President for Student Affairs Keith Moore, Vice President for Finance and Administration Jim Cooper, and Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs Jason Seward. They have closely monitored breaking news and best practices from state and national health organizations and have responded appropriately and effectively to the challenges at hand. 

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In the last several months, our world has changed in ways that are difficult to understand and process. We are frustrated. We are disappointed. But, we are Marlins, and we will face this unexpected challenge together—to the best of our abilities, and with strength and grace.

On Wednesday, March 25, at 7 p.m., I’ll be hosting a town hall with members of our Emergency Response Team. This virtual meeting will be more informational in nature and is meant to offer clarity on this evolving situation and next steps for the Virginia Wesleyan community. Please watch for more information coming soon.

I know anxieties are high, but let us take comfort in knowing that as a community we are taking the necessary steps to prevent the spread of this disease and protect our most vulnerable. 

Be diligent, and be well.

With gratitude,
Scott D. Miller, Ph.D.
Virginia Wesleyan University
5817 Wesleyan Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
Phone: 757.455.3215
Email:   [email protected]