May 12, 2022
A Message to Candidates for House of Deputies President and Vice President from
President Jennings
Dear Candidates for House of Deputies President and Vice President:
Thank you for the discernment that has led you to consider standing for election for president or vice president of the House of Deputies. I am pleased to tell you that a candidate survey from the House of Deputies office is now available online. This survey, which is unofficial and entirely voluntary, is a way for you to share more information about yourself and your vision for the church with your fellow deputies. If you would like to participate, please fill the survey out by May 31; we plan to publish candidate profiles on the House of Deputies website and email newsletter during the first half of June.
In addition, we have scheduled two optional Zoom forums for deputies to get to know the candidates for president and vice president. The Rev. Albert Cutié will be our forum moderator for these two events, which will take place on Saturday, June 4 at 2 p.m. Eastern and Monday, June 13 at 2 p.m. Eastern. Please note that due to an unforeseen conflict, the Saturday date has changed since the forums were first announced last December.
If you want to participate in the optional Zoom candidate forums, please email by May 31. Once we know how many of you wish to participate, we will be able to announce how long each forum will last.
I realize that the deadline to submit your name for a background check was more than two months ago; if, in the interim, you have determined that you do not wish to be a candidate for president or vice president, please know that your name will remain confidential. Only the names of candidates who electively fill out the survey and/or choose to participate in the online forums will be made public by the House of Deputies office.
One final note: As you will undoubtedly have read in yesterday’s church news coverage, plans are underway to hold a shorter, smaller General Convention in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This will almost certainly mean that the schedule for elections in the House of Deputies needs to change from what I announced in December. As soon as I have more news to share, I will be in touch with the house.
Please know that each of you is in my prayers as you continue to discern God’s call to you in this pivotal time for our church. If I can be helpful to you in any way, please do not hesitate to let me know.
The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings
President, House of Deputies