Spreading God's Word, Not the Virus
A Message to the People of the Diocese of South Florida
from Bishop Peter Eaton
Extension of Closure
(June 30th)
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Throughout this season of the COVID-19 virus, our church buildings and schools have been closed to serve the common good in protecting the health and well-being of all. We have been living by the protocols established by federal, state, and local government, as well as by public health agencies, to prevent further spread of the virus. In so doing we have been living by the commitment of our Baptismal Covenant and in faithfulness to the moral traditions of our Church.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Daily Reflection from
Bishop Eaton
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Further to my previous reflection about resources for prayer, I am keen to give you some more. These are some examples and collections of prayer in the Anglican tradition that have attained the stature of classics, and while many may no longer be in print, given the ease with which second-hand books can be got on the internet, you should have no trouble.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Special Zoom Virtual Town Hall Meeting on Reopening
Sunday, May 31st, at 11:30am
he Reentry Planning Committee needs your input. We want you to be a part of the process as we create our plan.
Please join us for a special St. Paul’s Town Hall Meeting at our Virtual Coffee Hour via Zoom on Sunday, May 31, at 11:30 am.
As we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, we will ask the Holy Spirit to guide us as a community of faith to make good, safe, and sound decisions as regards our reopening process!
No Zoom account needed to join:
An Important Message on Reopening from Fr. Paul
I pray that you and those you hold close to your heart are, through the grace of God, doing as well as can be hoped for during this time of sheltering at home.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a phenomenon that has left the world floundering. The uncertainty of these times has spread into every aspect of our lives. Everyday activities such as going to work and school, which we once took for granted, are now not so certain. Schedules have been disrupted. Ways of learning, teaching, and working have had to adapt to the new reality. The uncertainty and caution required to deal with the virus has carried into our common life as a parish family at St. Paul’s.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Survey on Reopening for In-Person Worship at St. Paul's
Please take a moment and fill out this brief, confidential survey on REOPENING FOR IN-PERSON WORSHIP AT ST. PAUL’S:
Faithful Giving
Please help us to keep our mission and ministry strong. St. Paul's staff, operations, community outreach, and our missions to help the most vulnerable are dependent on Sunday offerings to keep afloat. When Sunday offerings decrease, our missions become at risk. Please support St. Paul's now by one of the options below:
Safe and secure online giving on our website
St. Paul's has a safe and secure electronic donation service available allowing you to make single donations or set up recurring donations. Click the button below to visit our donation page:
If you prefer to send your pledge or other donation by check, please send your contribution to: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 188 S. Swinton Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33444.
‘I prayed to God that you are my protection, only you can deliver me.' Hear from three Christian Armed Service workers on keeping the faith in tough times.
‘Lord I am in your hands…’ Watch the Archbishop of Cape Town’s testimony of escaping death as a teen during Apartheid, South Africa.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
During Thy Kingdom Come we encourage people to pray for 5 people they know to come to faith in Jesus. Each day there will be a Reflection to help us do this. If you haven’t already, think of five friends who don’t know the love of God for them in Christ.
Download the App!
Download the #ThyKingdomCome App for the 11 days of prayer.
The award-winning app is full of the daily videos, Bible readings, reflections, podcasts from Professor NT Wright and a special section for your 'Pray for 5'.
Download the
version here and the
version here.
Interfaith C
afe Update for May 2020
"Affirming Our Unity as a Nation and a World"
In this time of unprecedented sickness, death and economic hardship, we are mindful of the spiritual reality being demonstrated. We are all truly one. The Covid-19 virus does not respect national boundaries nor make exceptions for persons of faith. Rather it has shown us how connected we really are. We see how heartfully and heroically people are helping friends, neighbors and strangers in so many ways around the world. The virus has upended our society and offered us an opportunity to recreate a world that is more generous and compassionate and honors the cultural expressions and faith traditions world-wide. Although we cannot be together in person this month, we invite you to consider in what ways you might reach out to your community and offer encouragement, comfort, and support.
Interfaith Alerts
If you want to publicize your interfaith activity to the group, please send details to Jane@Aurorasvoice.org by the first of each month.
With Sally Grillo
Thursday, May 28th, at 9:45am
“The JOY of the Lord is your strength” Nehemiah 8:10
THURSDAYS: 9:45 – 10:45 AM,
hosted via Zoom
These sessions open at 9:30 so we can communicate.
EVERY BREATH I breathe in is an acknowledgement of the
life and power of God within me!
Gentle Flow Yoga
With Patti Daniell
Friday, May 29th, at 9:30am
Tuesday, June 2nd, at 9:30am
Every week on Tuesdays and Fridays, until June 30
(The Zoom login link has been updated as of May 6th, prior Zoom links will no longer work.)
Prayerful Virtual
Eastertide Yoga
Tuesday, June 2nd, at 7:00pm
TUESDAYS: 7:00pm – 8:30pm,
hosted via Zoom
We will practice a nourishing posture sequence filled with twists and turns + Breath of JOY + Blessings upon Blessings ON OUR MAT in the comfort of our own homes!!!
Root to Rise, Twist and Turn,
Energize then RELAX
Location: South County Civic Center
16700 S. Jog Road
Delray Beach, FL 33446
Call between 7am - 7pm
(561) 804-0250
Appointments are required!
Palm Beach County Community Resource Guide
The Volen Center has instituted a program using their fleet of buses to deliver free lunches to seniors 60+ in Boca, Delray and Boynton. Outlined below is the program and who can be contacted. If you have any people who might benefit, please send us the names and numbers or pass along this information to them. Anyone we can help is a plus.
Lunches delivered to residences daily and 3 meals on Friday to cover the weekend.
To enroll, e-mail or call the following staff:
Volunteering Opportunities
Please email Nubia Ortega at
if you will be volunteering and/or providing any of the needed items to any of the agencies included in the overview.
Please be aware that you will need to connect with the agencies directly to volunteer and/or make an item donation. If you have not completed the waiver and you do plan on volunteering, please use the link to complete the waiver
Please send a report weekly of all hours you spent volunteering. Please provide name, phone, email, where you volunteered, and how long. This data goes a long way towards bringing much needed emergency management dollars back into our community.
We appreciate everything you are doing during this difficult time!
Medical Volunteers Needed
Dear Volunteers
Our County Emergency Operations Center is screening employees prior to entry to help ensure the safety of everyone in the building. They have a continued need through
June 6th.
Shifts needed are below and we can divide days into shifts as needed.
They will provide mask and gloves, training on the thermos temp taker, and lunch every day except Saturday.
Dress code is business casual. We will send a finalized schedule with POC info and the EOC address.
Thursday, 5/28
Saturday, 5/30
Wednesday, 6/3 - Friday, 6/5
Saturday, 6/6
Please use the link to complete the waiver:
Many local meetings have established their own Zoom meetings which can be found at the intergroup website for the particular county.
For example, here's the link for South Palm Beach County intergroup information on meeting closures and online meetings:
In response to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, we at St. Paul's Delray Beach, together with all churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida, have closed for public worship and all other public gatherings until
June 30th.
This includes St. Paul's Day School, Paul's Place after-school program, and all other ministries and scheduled events through June 30th. If you have a pastoral emergency and need the services of our clergy, please contact Fr. Paul Kane (
or 561-921-7667)
We at St. Paul's Delray will offer a virtual morning prayer at 8:00am and a virtual evening prayer at 5:00pm (
both through Facebook Live streams
), Monday through Friday, and a virtual celebration of the Holy Eucharist every weekend between now and June 30th.
Click below to view our Virtual Service for the 7th Sunday of Easter:
As a church family, we will stay connected through
social media
email, text messaging,
our website
, and other platforms. We will continue to spread the Good News of God's love while doing our part to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
I hope that you find peace and inspiration from the many resources for prayer and worship at home offered by
Forward Movement (forwardmovement.org)
, the Episcopal publishing house that brings us Forward Day by Day.
May God bring healing to the sick, comfort to the lonely, blessed assurance to the anxious, and hope to those in despair,
Fr. Paul+
St. Paul's Episcopal Church