May 31, 2023 | 11 Sivan 5783
New Member Shabbat
Parsha Nasso Service Schedule
Friday, June 2

5:45 pm: Kabbalat Shabbat services on YouTube and Facebook
7:34 pm: Candle lighting

Saturday, June 3

Walk This Way Village
(leaves from upper parking lot)
8:45 am-9:30 am: Parsha Thought Walk
9:30 am-10:15 am: Exercise Walk

9:30 am: New Member Shabbat services on YouTube and Facebook
8:11 pm: Havdala

Thank you to our additional New Member Shabbat kiddush luncheon sponsors (as of May 31):
Alan and Lisa Kianoff, Natalie and Marc Goldsmith, Joshua Richman and Anna Deason, Holly Mazer, Keith and Dalia Abrams, Tammi and Jonathan Horn, Marged Linder, Sue and Bill Lischkoff, Bernard Stern, and Elaine Witt and Michael Sznajderman.
What's Happening at Temple Beth El
Don't Miss Sisterhood + Men's Club Celebration
Save the Date!
July 9 Annual Meeting + Fundraiser
Join Gen XYZ for Movie + Discussion
3 pm, June 11, Halpern-Levitt KidZone
The Chaiflicks movie, “Havana Curveball,” tells the story of an American Jewish boy who chooses his Bar Mitzvah project to honor his grandfather who was provided asylum in Cuba during the Holocaust. His grandfather has told him about Cuban youngsters who made their own baseballs with string and rocks and carved their own bats. The youngster, who plays baseball, seeks to collect money, baseballs, bats and gloves to send to his contemporaries in Cuba. A warm-hearted story, the struggles that the young man encounters are eventually rewarded. At the conclusion of the movie, to gain knowledge about current-day Cuba, we will feature a conversation with a recent immigrant.
Congratulations to This Year's Volunteer Award Winners
It is our special pleasure to announce to you the selection of the following honorees to be recognized at a special Volunteer Recognition Shabbat on June 17, 2023:

Sue Lischkoff – Heavy Lifter
Joshua Ivker Jewish Inspiration
Dani & Asher Kahn-Krell – Young Leadership

These honorees were selected by a committee representing our various entities including Men’s Club, Sisterhood, GenXYZ, Minyanaires, Civil Rights and Social Action. The honorees will receive special recognition on Volunteer Recognition Shabbat. Their names, pictures and biographies will be included in the Tribute Booklet.

We are asking our congregants along with friends and relatives of the honorees to consider including a tribute to one or all the honorees to be published in the booklet. Click the button for more information about tribute pricing.
Special Tot Programs Coming Up in June
Other Upcoming Events & Announcements
Southside Faith Communities Gather Next Week
Share Your Simcha Story
Community Happenings
Come visit our Beth El Civil Rights Experience Committee, who will be participating in this statewide event!
New to Temple Beth El?
Contact Margaret Norman to learn more about plugging into our Beth El community!
Office Hours: Monday--Thursday: 9 am to 5 pm l Friday: 9 am to 3:30 pm Phone: 205.933.2740

If you have an after-hours emergency or loss and need to reach Temple staff, please call or text Glynnis Levitt at 205.916.8256.
Check out our Congregational Calendar to see what's happening this month and stay updated on all our programs, services and events!