Vol. 4: No. 22 | June 3, 2022
What's Coming Up This Summer? Watch To Find Out!
Wills and Probate Records for Genealogy Research
Friday June 10th, 1:30pm
Wills and probate records are one of the richest sources of documents for researching your ancestors. These records contain an abundance of details about an individual’s life, often proving the key to resolving a tough problem. Find out how to use them to break your research brick walls. 
Presented by Claire Smith, a professional genealogist with more than 20 years of experience in research, teaching, and lecturing. A former high-tech executive, Claire applies her technology skills to optimize her research.

Claire is currently Director, Seminar Program Chair for the Massachusetts Genealogical Council. She is a graduate of the ProGen professional genealogy study group and holds certificates in “Genealogical Research” from Boston University and in “Genealogy and Family History” from the University of Washington.
Brainfuse JobNow offers job search options, and its Adult Learning Center guides users on how to write a winning resume.

Saturday, June 11, 2022
10:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Library Lawn
Celebrate who you are. Show love to all our community members. Make buttons, flags, and bracelets. Enjoy inclusive storytime. This is an outdoor event. 
Upcoming Adult Events
Until Help Arrives, YOU are the Help-Emergency Training
Wednesday, June 8th @ 5:30pm
The 6-9 minutes between an emergency call and the arrival of first reponsders is critical. Learn what you can do in that time frame to save a life. Presented by The Greater Nashua Emergency Response Team.
Life Coaching Event
Relationship Triangles
Thursday, June 9th @ 7:00pm
Relationship triangles are a normal part of being in relationship with others, but sometimes the triangles we create become rigid and chronic, which can prevent our growth as individuals. Please join us as we discuss the most common negative triangle, the victim triangle, how to recognize our role in it, and how to create a healthier triangle—and relationship—with the people around us. 

Walk-ins welcome on a space available basis.
Stitchers Group
Friday, June 10th @ 9:30am

Bring a stitching project, share ideas, learn new skills. Register to reserve a space. Space is limited. Walk-ins welcome if space is available.
Genealogy Club:
Wills and Probate Records for Genealogy Research
Friday, June 10th @ 1:30pm
Wills and probate records are one of the richest sources of documents for researching your ancestors. These records contain an abundance of details about an individual’s life, often proving the key to resolving a tough problem. Find out how to use them to break your research brick walls. Presented by Claire Smith.

Claire is a professional genealogist with more than 20 years of experience in research, teaching, and lecturing.  
Normal Library Hours
Monday & Friday: 
9am - 5pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 
9am - 9pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Sunday: CLOSED