A Natural Protocol to Treat
Any Kind of Respiratory Infection
How to Treat Cough, Cold, Flu and COVID
Hi Everyone,
I hope this week’s newsletter finds you all doing well. I have already heard from some of you that Hurricane Helene caused flooding, damage and stress. My thoughts are with all of you who were negatively affected by the storm. I did fine, just a lot of oak tree debris in the yard. Stay alert over the next weeks, as there appears to be several more systems out there.
Can you believe it is officially fall. Do you know what that means? The seasonal people will be returning. I have already seen several car carriers being unloaded over the past few weeks. It is inevitable that when people from all parts of the country come together, upper respiratory infections will rise. In addition to the influx of people, in Chinese medicine, fall is the time of the lungs and large intestine. That is why many people tend to get some sort of upper respiratory illness during this time.
My goal today is to prepare you for when you or someone in your household finds themself ill. I highly recommend that at the very first moment you say to yourself, I think I might be getting sick, that is when you start treating. Many people take the wait and see approach and that allows an upper respiratory illness to take hold and becomes more difficult to treat and, in the meantime, you feel lousy and suffer. I am NOT a fan of suffering.
I am including a natural protocol, click here to treat any kind of respiratory infection, including a head cold, the flu, COVID, and bronchitis, to name a few. Any illness with a cough, throat or head symptoms should use this protocol at the first sign of symptoms. I am not going to write the whole thing out here, instead, I am including a pdf here, that lays out the entire protocol.
A big part of this protocol is nebulizing food grade hydrogen peroxide. It is very important that you use food grade, not the stuff in the brown bottle at the drug store. Dr Mercola has a great video that you can find here that walks you through how to nebulize hydrogen peroxide. I highly recommend watching it and getting a nebulizer to add to your first aid kit. When you get sick, there will not be time to order one online. Time is of the essence in these situations. I purchased the Pari Trek S portable nebulizer that Dr Mercola recommends, and it is easy to use and very effective. It is also compact and light weight so you can take it with you when you travel.
I have added these protocols to Fullscript for your convenience. If you want to purchase these items to have ready when you need them, you can find the protocol you are looking for under "Community plans" and all of the products should be listed. This will save you time trying to find which products I have had success using. In addition, I always extend a 15% discount to any orders placed on Fullscript and shipping is free over $49. The 12% hydrogen peroxide is not available through fullscript, but I’m pretty sure Whole Foods and Sprouts and other health food stores carry it. Check the expiration date!
Personally, I have this protocol printed and hanging on the inside of the cabinet where I keep the items that are listed. The last thing you want to be doing when you aren’t feeling well is searching for the protocol and the supplements on the list. For quick reference the prevention protocol Fullscript link can be found here.
The supplement portion of the treatment protocol link can be found here. It is under "Current Supplements". The items that Fullscript does not carry can be found at the drug store, like Walgreens or CVS. There are several online stores that carry the nebulizer.
I hope you don’t need to implement this information this fall, but chances are you or someone in your household will have an upper respiratory infection at some point moving forward. As stated earlier, time is of the essence. Do not take the wait and see if I get sick approach. If you wait even 24 hours to start this protocol, you increase the chances of becoming more ill and feeling lousy longer. Not everything needs to be started right away. Here is the approach I take when I am not feeling well.
If I have been around people who have been sick or if I am feeling particularly run down, I implement the prevention protocol for about 7-10 days. If I feel fine at that point, I stop the prevention protocol. If I say to myself, hmmm, my throat feels a bit scratchy, I wonder if I am getting sick? I immediately take one tablespoon of the black elderberry syrup and the homeopathic Aconitum/Bryonia combination. The frequency of the dosing is dependent on how I feel. If I take those two items and the symptoms that caused me to say that I may be getting sick go away, then I stop until symptoms reappear. This might be once or twice per day for a couple of days or 4 to 6 times per day for a couple of days. If symptoms progress, and I am saying to myself, I am sick, then I begin the treatment protocol until I feel back to my normal self. These protocols are not intended for the long term. They are to be started and stopped depending on the situation and symptoms present.
I hope you find this information helpful and that it reduces the frequency and intensity of any upper respiratory infections. I think October may be unusually crazy as we head towards the election. If the world has you stressed out or if you want an immune system boost, acupuncture can be especially effective. Stay aware and stay safe out there.
Toni Eatros, Acupuncture Physician