February 20, 2020

This week we're presenting New Britain Museum of American Art, 6 Bridges Gallery and Bruce Museum with exhibitions that offer new perspectives on our world and the ideas within it. The featured artwork shows different sides of the Civil War, science and nature, and even art itself.

Want to advertise in our upcoming March/April issue? Contact us at or call (617) 639-5771. To check out your options, visit our website.

- Kristin Wissler

Kara Walker: Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) at New Britain Museum of American Art
in New Britain, Connecticut through April 19

New Britain Museum of American Art
Kara Walker, Exodus of Confederates from Atlanta, from "Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated)", 2005, offset lithography and silkscreen on Somerset Textured paper, 39" x 59", Stephen B. Lawrence and Bette Batchelor Memorial Acquisition Funds.

New Britain Museum of American Art (NBMAA) is showing Kara Walker: Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) through April 19. Kara Walker is New York-based artist whose work has appeared worldwide, tackling complex social issues such as race, gender, sexuality and violence. She's known for her use of silhouetted figures in her prints. In Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated), she combines her signature prints with enlarged woodcut plates from the book Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War to illustrate a different side of the Civil War: the perspective of African Americans of the era and the racism they experienced that were left out of history books. The juxtaposition of the woodcut plates and Walker's overlaid silhouettes combine to create unique and thought-provoking works of art. Kara Walker: Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) is the first of NBMAA's "2020/20 + Women @ NBMAA" initiative, celebrating the anniversary of women's suffrage through a series of exhibitions dedicated to female artists. Walker's work launches the series by illuminating a perspective not known to conventional history and blending it with a contemporary view on American events. There will be many workshops and gallery talks in the coming weeks, all of which can be found here. New Britain Museum of American Art is located at 56 Lexington Street in New Britain, Connecticut, and is open Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 11:00 a.m.5:00 p.m., Thursday 11:00 a.m.8:00 p.m. and Saturday 10:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. For more information, visit

Sponsored by: Hampden Gallery, Brookline Arts Center, Madolin Maxey, Maud Morgan Arts Chandler Gallery, MAKE BIG PRINTS, Vizivel, Vermont College of Fine Art, ArtSpace Maynard, Solomon Rugs and the Artscope Tablet Edition.

UMass Amherst
Hampden Gallery Hampden Gallery
Matt Garrison, Rock After Excalibur, 1997, cocktail swords and rock,
16" x 36' x 23".

131 Southwest Circle,
Amherst, MA 01003, (413) 545-0680
TuesdayFriday, 1:006:00 p.m., Sunday 2:005:00 p.m.
March 7April 12
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 7, 3:005:00 p.m.
A Horse Walks Into A Bar, curated By D. Dominick Lombardi. A survey of artists who continue to push the boundaries of fine art toward humor and wit.

Brookline Arts Center
Call for Art: ART Off the Wall
BAC ART Off the Wall

Exhibition: April 17May 16, 2020
Ticketed Event: Saturday, May 16, 6:309:00 p.m.
Submission Deadline: March 20, 2020, 11:59 p.m.

The Brookline Arts Center is thrilled to present our sixth annual ART Off The Wall exhibition and fundraiser on May 16! This year, we are seeking donations from artists of all media residing in Massachusetts. During the event, individuals who have purchased a Collector's Ticket will have the opportunity to take home a piece from the collection. Proceeds from the event directly support the BAC's mission of bringing the community meaningful experiences in the arts. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes will be awarded to artists based on selections by the Gallery Committee. 1st place receives $300! Apply by March 20 on our website. Learn more.

Brookline Arts Center
Call for Art: Artist Residency
BAC Residency

June 26September 4, 2020
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2020, 11:59 p.m.
Submission Fee: $25

The Brookline Arts Center is seeking proposals for a 10-week artist residency in our historic firehouse turned arts center in Brookline. One dynamic solo artist or small collaborative group will have the opportunity to experiment and grow their body of work with the support of the BAC. Artist(s) selected will design, create and exhibit an installation or series of work in our unique gallery space. The residency will provide five weeks of artistic development and culminate with a five-week public exhibition. All artists residing in the United States are eligible to apply. Apply by April 15 on our website. Learn more.

Madolin Maxey
"Objects as Narrative"
Madolin Maxey
Madolin Maxey, Who's on First, 2019, oil on canvas, 30'' x 30''.

Art OpeningSunday, March 8, 2:004.00 p.m.
Providence Art Club, Dodge House Gallery, March 827, 2020
Still Lifes using objects from Maxey's studio in settings that lead to visual conversations with the viewer

11 Thomas Street, Providence RI 02903
(401) 331-1114

Maud Morgan Arts Chandler Gallery
Chandler Gallery

If You're A Chair, I'm A Chair
Hilary Tait Norod

March 9March 27, 2020
Reception: Thursday, March 19, 6:008:00 p.m.

The heart of "If You're a Chair, I'm a Chair," the latest show at the Chandler Gallery, is a sculpture made of two antique wooden chairs. After cutting them down on their inner sides, artist Hilary Tait Norod bound them together with many layers of different materials, such as yarn, rope and scraps of wood, "to unite them as one." The once-separate pieces became more than just a loveseatthey're a representation of the artist's marriage.

In her exhibition, which also includes painted mirrors and canvasses, Tait Norod set out to "explore the romantic tension of a loving relationship with an autobiographical and feminist lens."

Up to 44" x 96"
On Any Photo Media

Make Big Prints

Print on watercolor paper, canvas, vinyl, fabric or photo paper. From digital files or your original art. The Epson 9890 at my Somerville studio uses archival pigment ink. Email Gary Duehr at for a quote or more info. Use code AS18 for 10% off your first job.

Vizivel 1
Vizivel 2

ArtSpark at 6 Bridges Gallery
in Maynard, Massachusetts through February 29

6 Bridges Gallery

Brent Mathison, Sunset After the Storm.

Catch ArtSpark during its last week at 6 Bridges Gallery through February 29. ArtSpark is a group exhibit featuring 6 Bridges Gallery's associate artists Margo Cascella, Jeanne D'Amico, Natalie MacKnight, Brent Mathison, Carole McNamee and Kara Patrowicz. Each artist used artistic disciplines such as music, literature, performing arts and video to inspire their own craft. Margo Cascella uses paint to explore her thoughts on aging as inspired by Carol Orsborn's poem Into the Forest. Jeanne D'Amico looks to the poem A Great Wagon, by Rumi, a 13th century Sufi mystic, as a challenge and encouragement to persist in her pottery. Natalie MacKnight uses experimental jazz music to spark her creativity. Brent Mathinson's photographs are inspired by his childhood of listening to his father's records. Carole McNamee's abstract paintings call back to the dancing she did in her youth and the grace and rhythm of her fellow dancers. Kara Patrowicz creates drawings based on phone videos of her infant son, exploring how social media changes our perception of the everyday. By examining disciplines outside visual art, the artists in ArtSpeak find new ways to sharpen their creativity, explore their vision and widen their perspective. 6 Bridges Galley is located at 77 Main Street in Maynard, Massachusetts, and is open Tuesday 11:00 a.m.3:00 p.m., WednesdayFriday 11:00 a.m.6:00 p.m. and Saturday 10:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. For more information, please visit

Under the Skin at Bruce Museum
in Greenwich, Connecticut through July 19

Bruce Museum
Roosterfish, cleared and stained specimen, image courtesy of Dr. Matthew Girard.

Bruce Museum is showing Under the Skin through July 19. Under the Skin is a showcase of technological innovation and the beauty of nature. The exhibit features real biological specimens as well as imagery created by cutting edge technology, all of which were captured in the last five years. Technologies such as CT scanning, infrared cameras, scanning electron microscopes and others captured discoveries that were undreamt of a decade ago. The images and specimens are not only scientific marvels but visual marvels as well, finding the beauty of nature beyond the surfaceliterally. In Under the Skin, something as innocuous and strange as a roosterfish skeleton or the inner ear of a frog becomes a work of art. Both in science and art can one find new discoveries by peering beyond the surface and searching for something deeper, and Under the Skin proves it. Bruce Museum is located at 1 Museum Drive in Greenwich, Connecticut, and is open TuesdaySunday 10:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. For more information, please visit

Vermont College of Fine Arts
Corey Pickett, Revolver 14, 2018.

The VCFA Exhibition Series presents Either I Woke Up, or Come Back to This Earth, March 227, featuring the work of alumnx A_Marcel, Melissa McClung, and Corey Pickett. These artists use playfulness and humor to challenge histories of political violence and the anesthetic of nostalgia.

College Hall Gallery
36 College Street
Montpelier, VT

ArtSpace Maynard
ArtSpace Maynard 1
Kyle Wengler.

ENERGY | Group Exhibition | Main Gallery
Now through February 21

A dynamic mixed-media exhibit featuring works by regional artists. Juried by Jessica Roscio, curator at the Danforth Art Museum at Framingham State University.

ArtSpace Maynard 2
Mary Mooney.

Out of the Box | ArtSpace Maynard Group Exhibition | West Gallery
February 14April 18

ArtSpace Maynard artists challenged each other to create art from collections of trash and treasure that were boxed and re-distributed to participating artists at random. This challenge has brought artists in this community together to commiserate and encouraged them to step into entirely new territory with their work.
Closing Reception: April 18, 5:007:00 p.m.

ArtSpace Maynard 3

Strange Circuitry | Diane Novetsky & Marjorie Kaye | Main Gallery
February 26April 3

Important New England abstract painters Diane Novetsky & Marjorie Kaye will feature their latest paintings of organic forms that pulsate a universe of bold color, high energy and sensuality. They share a common quest that include the opposition of contradictory forces; abundance vs. void; stasis vs. movement; chaos vs. order; organic vs. geometric.
Opening Reception: March 7, 5:007:00 p.m.

February 29, 2:003:30 p.m. | Gallery Talk: Nick Capasso, Director & Lisa Crossman, Curator of Fitchburg Art Museum | "Art Museums and Contemporary Artists"

ALL ArtSpace Gallery events are free to attend and wheelchair accessible: ArtSpace West Gallery at 63 Summer St., Maynard. For more information, visit or call (978) 897-9828.

Solomon Rugs
Solomon Rugs

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Artscope Tablet Edition
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As always, information on upcoming exhibits and performing arts events can be sent to, to appear in the magazine or in e-blasts such as this. Want to advertise? Reach us here for more information. To learn more about sponsoring these email blasts, contact us at or call 617-639-5771.

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Kristin Wissler
Artscope email blast! editor
phone: 617-639-5771