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332 W. 63rd Street, Kansas City, MO 64113     PH 816-361-2500

Shop On-Line:  www.worldswindowkc.store
Our on-line store is open 24 hours a day

"Where the creativity of human mind, spirit and experience is celebrated everyday."
"From Here to There and Everywhere"


A New Day. And Old Friends. 

   Usually during this particular week in August, Della and I are on buying trips to finalize Fall and Winter fashion buying. At the shows we get a first glimpse at Spring 2020 and order gifts and holiday decor for the upcoming months.
Della and Jan

   This would be the time to find the nativities for our annual front window display and all "the perfect gifts" we know you'll want for the holidays. It would also be a time to reconnect with vendors who are good friends and represent so many artisans from around the world.

   But these, of course, are unusual times, so all the shows we usually attend are cancelled. It is a "new day" indeed.

  Thankfully, we're still able to order "with a little help from our friends" based on our long relationships and shared years of experience.
PAR Top 0820

   Several days ago the first boxes started arriving and it was exciting to see some of the deeper, richer Fall colors emerge from the wrappings. Sleeves are a bit longer and, yes, some jackets have arrived too. A wonderful mix of casual and comfortable but fun and fresh whether you're staying at home or meeting a friend for a patio lunch or drinks. 

RedSari poncho

   That occasional meeting back at the office? You'll be ready. 

   A deck party? (socially distanced, of course!) A new silk Kantha poncho/jacket is perfect - a touch of dressy, but so easy! 

   Jumping on a bike for a ride? There are fun new Marushka tees for you to choose.

Marushka Wildflowers

   Cooler weather is on the way. And already evening comes a bit earlier. The season is changing - there's a hint of color in some of the trees, the crickets are chirping long into the evening. Do you feel it? Do you hear it?  

   Last week was our late summer sale; this week we "turn" a bit towards fall - a new season. . .a "new day."  

Come explore our first Fall fashions

Shopping . . .
start choosing your favorites for Fall!

NewFallArrivals compA

To see some of our newest arrivals, click here or on the picture above.

Oh, and those silk Kantha jackets I mentioned above?
Back in May we "visited" India on one of our journeys to learn about Kantha stitching and the upcycling of silk saris into new jackets and scarves. 
Click here if you'd like to revisit that story. 
And, here they are!
NewFallArrivals comp2

See our newest silk sari jacket/ponchos by clicking here or on the picture above. 

Connecting with old friends - JOFA

   One of the re-connections I made recently was with Joe Schmidt of JOFA African Imports. Joe and his wife Fatou
JOF FarmersTrophy
have provided us with most of our African masks and carvings like the Farmer's Trophy we shared during our birding story several weeks ago, and the puffer fish
JOF PufferFish
"puppet" from an earlier story, as well as bowls and stools and textiles.  Today's story (below) was inspired by our proud, carved rooster that we choose from the JOFA collection several years ago. 
JOFA Fatou 99

   As with many of our folk art collector friends, we've known Joe and Fatou for around 30 years. Not only have we gathered amazing art from them, we've learned so much through their stories of living and traveling in Burkina Faso and other African countries. We've watched their children grow from infants to young adults.

   The adventure started in 1985 when Joe sold his accounting and bookkeeping business in search of a more fulfilling and adventuresome life. Joe and his brother Steve bought a VW van (of course it was!) in South Africa and spent 8 months traveling north all the way to Somalia, collecting folk art and adding several
Baule mask
Canadian guys to the adventure along the way. Like many other youthful travelers, they fell in love with the traveling and collecting and then selling at flea markets and later at gift shows. 

   Joe met Fatou in '92 while folk art collecting in Burkina Faso. They fell in love, Joe proposed, and Fatou traveled to the US on a Fiancé Visa in 1993 which required they marry within 3 months. Recently, Fatou and their 2 youngest children traveled to Burkina Faso to her family home area where COVID infections are very low. Their high school senior and 6th grader will continue school virtually this year. Joe will join them soon to "ride out the storm" of 2020. A "turn" in their lives and another "new day."
Learning through Stories

   Whenever storyteller Joyce Slater comes shopping, we are also bound to also hear, "Look at that bird. I know a great story about a bird."  Or it might be a snake or a fish or an elephant. Last month Joyce became enchanted with our rooster (see it here). She struck up quite a conversation, was rewarded with a peck and then agreed to tell us the story.
JoyceSlater rooster

   We knew we were in for a treat. The rooster listened along to this great fable about how everyone's "voice" is important. 

   Take a moment, settle in, and enjoy "The Teeny, Tiny Rooster" as told by Joyce Slater.
The Tiny Rooster - told by Joyce Slater
The Tiny Rooster - told by Joyce Slater

   We can just imagine that spunky little rooster then walking off singing the words made popular by the great Nina Simone:

"It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life for me

 . . .and I'm feeling good!"
- lyrics by Leslie Bricusse

   As I think about these important "old friends" connections with our vendors, of course I think of so many of our customers who have shopped with us over the years. Perhaps you are one of those "I've shopped with you forever" customers or maybe you have discovered us in more recent years.  No matter what, your "voice" of support in both words and shopping is what keeps us curiously looking and enthusiastically planning those "new days" and "new dawns" of World's Window.  No "voice" is too small and, always, YOU are an important part of what makes World's Window so special! THANK YOU!

   Our store is open Tuesday through Sunday for the hours listed below. We invite you to try your own personal shopping time if you want some extra space and undivided shopping attention (see details below) Add a friend if you'd like and come enjoy World's Window. Just give us a call to schedule your special time.
   For those of you who cannot or choose not to shop in our Brookside store right now, we thank you for your continued online shopping support. 

I'm feeling good!!
Jan Signature

World's Window
"Nobody can define you like you."

For our Brookside Store:
OPEN Tuesday through Saturday, 11 am - 5 pm
Sunday, 12 noon to 5 pm

SHOP our on-line store 24 hours a day:

As always we are "sharing the world" through clothing, jewelry, folk art, textiles and hand-selected gifts - 
buying locally-owned is a gift to your community!
Personal Shopping Hours Still Available

   Would you like your own personal shopping time in our Brookside store? Della and Jan are still offering 1/2 hour private shopping times to be arranged when the store is closed. You get to shop in the quiet of an almost-empty store. You can browse, try on clothing and get helpful suggestions in the best of social/physical distancing.

   Yes, you are required to wear a face mask and we'll have ours on, but you'll be able to explore our store with the freedom of moving around at your leisure. We'll be available to assist or to let you wander and just be around to answer your questions.  Call Della at 816-361-2500 to schedule your own personal shopping time!

Street Mural Planned for Brookside
  The KCMO Council has endorsed a resolution supporting the creation of six Black Lives Matter street murals. Two of the designated locations are within the Southtown area - one at 63rd and Troost and one at 63rd and Brookside Blvd.

   To participate, more details on the fundraising efforts and volunteer guidelines for these murals can be found here. The design is slated for Saturday, September 5th.
See what's happening on our social sites: