"From Here to There and Everywhere"
A New Day. And Old Friends.
Usually during this particular week in August, Della and I are on buying trips to finalize Fall and Winter fashion buying. At the shows we get a first glimpse at Spring 2020 and order gifts and holiday decor for the upcoming months.
This would be the time to find the nativities for our annual front window display and all "the perfect gifts" we know you'll want for the holidays. It would also be a time to reconnect with vendors who are good friends and represent so many artisans from around the world.
But these, of course, are unusual times, so all the shows we usually attend are cancelled. It is a "new day" indeed.
Thankfully, we're still able to order "with a little help from our friends" based on our long relationships and shared years of experience.
Several days ago the first boxes started arriving and it was exciting to see some of the deeper, richer Fall colors emerge from the wrappings. Sleeves are a bit longer and, yes, some jackets have arrived too. A wonderful mix of casual and comfortable but fun and fresh whether you're staying at home or meeting a friend for a patio lunch or drinks.
That occasional meeting back at the office? You'll be ready.
A deck party? (socially distanced, of course!) A new silk Kantha poncho/jacket is perfect - a touch of dressy, but so easy!
Jumping on a bike for a ride? There are fun new Marushka tees for you to choose.
Cooler weather is on the way. And already evening comes a bit earlier. The season is changing - there's a hint of color in some of the trees, the crickets are chirping long into the evening. Do you feel it? Do you hear it?
Last week was our late summer sale; this week we "turn" a bit towards fall - a new season. . .a "new day."
Come explore our first Fall fashions