2022 IAUP Leadership Development Program 

for New Presidents and Emerging Leaders

More than 20 current and former presidents, vice chancellors, rectors and higher education experts from around the world joined the second edition of the Leadership Development Program of The International Association of University Presidents (IAUP).

From June 6 through June 9, 2022, the select cohort of participants from around the world received insights and individual mentorship from seasoned experts, strengthening their understanding of current trends, key issues, and best practices, as well as their strategic implications for higher education and for their respective institutions.


“I have been following IAUP over the years and we, as an institution, joined IAUP in 2012 in New York. My President attended the 1st edition of the IAUP’s LDP in Denmark, and she actually pushed for me to join this 2nd edition. The knowledge she gained are tools that we have used to come up with programs and ideas to better face COVID-19 crisis, to market our University and also to better serve our students’ needs, especially in this challenging time. Throughout the sessions here in Mexico City, we have learned a lot of important concepts that I am certain we will be applying in our universities to manage strategic programs for our students, and also to lead our institutions in the upcoming years.”

- Dr. Engelbert Pasag, Chief Operations Officer at PanPacific University, Philippines.

"Presidents must wear their bifocals: What must we do now to survive? What must we do now to thrive in the future?"

- Dr. Devorah Lieberman, University of LaVerne (USA)

Key Insights

Touching on relevant topics such as Team Building, Digital Transformation, Student Success, Innovation, Quality Assurance, Management Systems, Data Analytics and Institutional Responsiveness, Diversified Revenue Streams, Financial Stability in Times of Crisis, and Leveraging Key Surveys and Organizations, among others. The program focused on challenges stemming in particular from the post-pandemic era, answering questions such as:

  • What is the current context like for university Presidents? What are their main concerns and the skillsets they need to develop towards the future?

  • What are the current challenges for Higher Education Institutions? How can Quality Assurance be a driving force in leadership & management of Higher Education?

  • What have we learned from the pandemic? What sets apart those who have a “good” crisis? How do we rethink what a university does?

  • As we review the role of education and its intercultural and international dimension, where does internationalization fit into in this new reality?

  • How do we make use of partnerships, key surveys, data, and analytics, to drive our institution forward and achieve student success, engaging external stakeholders in our critical work?

“It has been a great experience to be able to listen to great leaders in Higher Education, experienced Presidents and Rectors who have spent many years facing the challenges that educational institutions have in this context, and also to have the opportunity to interact with them, interact with other peers and share our concerns, but also to reflect about our dreams as institutions of higher education. It all seems to me an enormous benefit.”

- Rosa Alejandra García, President Elect at Universidad Marista de Guadalajara, Mexico.

“It is our mission to enhance preparation of senior leadership, so they may in turn help their institutions serve their purpose and improve education overall worldwide”,

- Dr. Fernando León García, IAUP President

Our Speakers


A glimpse into the program...


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