Our next Open Barn Visiting Day is June 1, 2019
The Latest From The Barn
"A great horse will change your life. The truly special ones define it..." - Author Unknown
Welcome Charlie!
Charlie is our new guy!

Charlie joined us from an auction in NY. He is quite thin but very sweet. He has met our veterinarian and had his front hooves trimmed, and his teeth floated. We have a feed plan in place that we can adjust as needed.

Improving his body condition will take time, but we are excited to see his improvement.

Thank you for helping Charlie!

Congrats To Tess & Georgia!
Tess and Georgia left for their new home!

Tess and Georgia had been together for three years before they joined us here. I'm so grateful that they got to be adopted together as well!

Both Tess and Georgia have recovered to a healthy weight and are doing quite well!

We will share updates as we get them!

Thanks To You!
We simply wouldn't be able to do this important work without you.

Your kindness and generosity are greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much for supporting the big guys and gals in our care. They are lucky to have you on their team. <3
Keep An Eye Out!
Our online auction will be posted ASAP!

Our next monthly visiting day is June 1, 2019.

Drafts For Drafts hosted by The Outlaw Brewery is July 13, 2019.

The date for Your Mile Makes A Difference will be posted shortly!
Provide Care For A Day!
We are looking for 100 people to commit to giving $12 monthly! This represents one day of care per month for one horse.

Right now our monthly donors provide about half of the days of care. We want to increase that so we never have to worry about providing hay, grain, or routine veterinary care for the horses that depend on us.

Thank you!
Draft Gratitude | (603) 762-3266 | info@draftgratitude.com| www.DraftGratitude.com