As I’ve been wandering around the church during VBS this week, I am once again amazed and grateful for all of the committed volunteers who serve at FMC to influence the next generation for Christ— at VBS and every week of the year.

We know that volunteering with kids might not always seem glamorous when you are trying to get a group of middle school boys to stop burping their memory verse or when leading a group of preschoolers seems like herding cats. But what our volunteers are doing just by showing up consistently for these kids is making more of a difference than they’ll ever know.

Just think back to someone in your life who showed you that you were worth loving, whose influence gave you a new direction or a new sense of worth, helped shape your future in some new way, or showed you something new about God, faith, and life. They were a new kind of leader because they were present during a pivotal moment in your life. So the question I want to ask is… how can you do that for someone else? Where do you need to place yourself in order to be that person to those around you, and more specifically, for the next generation?

In worship on June 19, we will be highlighting how you can become a new kind of leader by serving in family ministries. When you help lead the next generation towards a more authentic faith in Jesus, you will make an impact, you will learn new things about faith and God, make new friends, and I bet you’ll even get more out of it than you give. I know that because we’ve heard our volunteers say each of those things.

That’s why we want to invite you to prayerfully consider serving in our kids or student ministries during the next school year. We have exciting ways to serve as small group leaders, welcome team and tech team members, on the youth meal team, and youth mission’s team. You don’t have to be a Bible-college graduate or be a perfect person. All you have to do is be willing to help kids and students meet God, get to know him, be changed by him, and come into relationship with Him.

If you'd like more information on taking your next step in serving in one of these roles, fill out the form on our website at

Thank you for being a church that prioritizes the next generation. There are kids everywhere that need a new kind of leader. We hope you’ll consider being one at FMC.


Bryan Moore
Family Pastor
First Methodist Conroe