Earn Professional Development Hour (PDH) Credits through NIA's Education Center

NIA’s Education Center has 12 courses that offer PDH credits and digital completion certificates. Take advantage of these continuing education opportunities for your team!
Associate (Manufacturer) Members: New Point Opportunities!
NIA has added new ways to gain points for the Premier Industry Manufacturer Award. Now, companies that have signed up for NIA's Education Center or helped create content for it can be awarded points. Apply by Nov. 10.

  • Premier Subscriber to NIA's Education Center (20 Points)
  • Review an outline or module for NIA's Education Center (2.5 Points)
  • Watch a recorded module on NIA's Education Center (2.5 Points)

Insulation Outlook Logo
Free NIA Member Benefit: Promote What Your Company Offers for the Industrial Market or to Mitigate CUI

All NIA Members Have a Free Opportunity to Share Your Products and Services in Insulation Outlook! Due by July 17, columns should be 500 words about your services or products for CUI mitigation and/or industrial insulation systems. Branded photos are encouraged. An upcoming column will be on HVAC insulation systems. Email publisher@insulation.org to submit your column or participate in the next opportunity.
Now Is a Great Time to Join NIA! Let's Be Better Together
Through July 21, new companies can join NIA for 50% off the normal dues rate and receive full benefits from July to Dec. 31, 2023.

If you know of a company that should be a member of NIA, please contact Rianna Gleeson at 703-464-6422, ext. 113, with the company name and contact info.
NIA President Laura Dover's theme is Better Together. Together, we become an exponentially more powerful voice for our industry. Now is a great time to put Laura's theme into action and tell others about all of NIA's benefits.
Visit www.insulation.org/join for more information.
For NIA Members: Applications are now available online for NIA's Safety Excellence Award (deadline to apply is Sept. 1).
Are You on the Right Social Media Account?
NIA is streamlining our social media accounts, focusing on our NIAinfo accounts on LinkedIn and Twitter. Our NIA Facebook page and our InsulationInfo Twitter accounts are being archived and deactivated.

Make the change and follow NIAinfo on LinkedIn and Twitter!
Secure Your Spot by Aug. 30 for the Only In-Person Inspector Course
Where: Houston
When: Sept. 18–21
Registration Deadline: Aug. 30
NIA's next Thermal Insulation Inspector Certification™ Course is taking place in person in Houston, Texas, Sept. 18–21.

This certification-level course is expected to sell out and is great for anyone who has responsibility for contracts, maintenance, business development, quality assurance/quality control, project oversight, safety, inspections, estimating, management, product development, mechanical insulation system design, and specification development.

Register Today at the Lowest Fall Summit Rate
Fall Summit is our members-only meeting that features topical speakers, open meetings by industry type, networking opportunities, and much more.

Registration is now open for NIA's Fall Summit 2023, taking place Oct. 25–26 at the MGM National Harbor in Maryland. The schedule has been updated from previous years.
Key Dates and Deadlines
NIA's Online Store
NIA's Insulation Estimator's Handbook

Known throughout the industry for providing the data needed for almost every type of mechanical insulation estimate, this 215-page spiral-bound handbook contains valuable technical information for estimating insulation, as well as formulas and conversions, information on insulation accessories, and technical variables of an insulation project. Now available in digital format too!

Please add “julie@insulation.ccsend.com” to your contacts or as a safe sender
to ensure delivery into your inbox.

National Insulation Association® | 703-464-6422

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