Helping One Life At A Time Be it Person Or Animal!

Hello Judy,


January is a great time to set goals for the new year. The difference between goals and resolutions is that with goals you come up with a plan on the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. Resolutions are just wishes. With that in mind our goal for 2023 is to raise $50,000 more and open a sanctuary/rescue/adoption center creating a place where positivity blooms. For more information on our goals and plans, please visit our website!

CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS: One of the areas where we can always use volunteers is with fundraising and marketing. If you can volunteer 2 hours a week or maybe only 2 hours a month, we could use your help! Please let us know how your skills and time would best be used - email us at [email protected].

Our next fabulous fundraising event is Trivia Night on February 24th! Please look below for more information. Our last Trivia Night, in August 2022, was so much fun and we beat our fundraising goal of $5000 and raised over $5100! This year our goal is to raise $7500. We are looking for attendees and sponsors. Check out how the sponsors benefit below!

We always have an on-going need for donations to raise money for our adoption center where you can donate one time, monthly or yearly planned donations. We thank those that are already doing this!

Please check out our website for more on our sponsorships, events, donations, blogs and additional information.



Bring Your Brains &

We'll have the Beads!

Friday, February 24th

Doors open at 6PM!

Games start at 7PM!


(Decor for Mardi Gras!)

Time to have fun, bring friends, show off how smart you are, and enjoy a festive night as we will be decorating for Mardi Gras - BEADS for EVERYONE!

Come out of the cold to our Event!!!

  • Bring any food, snacks, drinks, or beverages you want, and alcohol is permitted too!
  • AND Sponsor! There are several levels of sponsorship available. Get to see your business highlighted (see flyer below).

Send an email to [email protected] for more information or check out our website!

Thank you and hope to see you at the

Mahoney Event Center for Trivia!


Sponsorships for Trivia

Sponsorships for Trivia are described in the flyer below. If you would like a copy or if you need more information please email us [email protected]. All sponsors may request a tax donation letter.


What are the Signs of Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome?

Dogs and cats, like people, become more vulnerable to the onset of age-related illnesses as they get older. Their organs, for example, gradually become less functional as they age, and the potency of their immune systems naturally declines.

This is when Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome comes…

What is CDS?

Cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) is a slowly progressing condition that affects both dogs and cats. It includes perception, awareness, learning, and memory. When pets reach their senior years (age 7 and up), their learning capacities may begin to slow; however, the majority of CDS cases occur in pets aged 11 and over.

Click here to read the full Blog


When shopping on Amazon please select Harmony Retreat and Animal Rescue as your Charity of Choice on Amazon Smiles - Nothing comes from you just pennies from your purchases and Amazon gives back to us! Please share with everyone!

Visit Our Website

Harmony Retreat

& Animal Rescue, Inc.nIn

501 (c) (3) a non-profit organization

Phone: 267-961-3208

or 215-901-1676

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