January 11, 2022

Greetings Family,

We want to enter this new year with optimism despite the evening news which is so negative and fear-inducing. I hope that you have been able to rise above all that and find ways to bring more joy into your life. This whole coronavirus experience has shown me that we have to become very careful monitors of the information we take in daily. Nobody is going to do that for us. Believe it or not, there is good news happening in this world too, but that is not what you are going to hear from the traditional media.

We realize then that we must be in charge of the information we take in to make sure that our attitude about life stays positive. We are always creating our own experience. We are always creating the universe in which we want to live. So what do we do?

We focus on what brings us joy and happiness. We focus on the beauty of nature. We focus on being more loving in our lives with those around us. We focus on seeing all the ways in which God has supported us and sustained us even when things seemed difficult. We limit the amount of negative information we take in daily.

Now is the time more than ever to do your spiritual work of reading, praying, meditating and being fully present with yourself and everyone around you.

The world and all of us are going through a tremendous transition right now, moving to a higher level of consciousness on the planet. Everything unlike God is coming up for healing. It's important to keep your spirits high, your consciousness elevated and be a place for peace, love and clarity, not just for yourself but for everyone around you.

As part of that deepening, I invite you to join us if you can for our hour-long Zoom meditation on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm California time. We meditate for 25 to 30 minutes and then open our prayer circle to our loved ones and others who need prayer. We close with a beautiful song. We have meditators from New York, Virginia, San Diego, Simi Valley, Big Bear, as well as Ojai, which is one of the great blessings of the Zoom connection. Info about that event is below.

Also, below there is a new section in this newsletter entitled "Inspiration," which includes some articles I've written for other publications.

Remember this, you are the light and love that so many of us need during this time of great transition on the planet. You are the promise of a great tomorrow!

In peace and love, Rev. Karen