A Note from President and Founder
Nada Cory
Living "The Dream"

2022, a new year that is limitless. Whether you’re speaking about your career, relationships, or optimum health, you need to think about what you wish to achieve. What it is you’re aiming for? Do something meaningful, do something that defies what others thought was impossible, live your dream.
This is not a competition, the only person you need to think about, is the person you see when you look in the mirror; and what a wonderful person that truly is.
Put the phone down. The moment we can disconnect ourselves from technology and reconnect with ourselves, we’ll get to really know ourselves better. Embrace being present, and with those who are physically around you.
Spend time with people who have inspired you, gotten your back, brought you high to a new level of fabulous.
In some small way, do “your dream” every day. Remember, a home was once a pile of lumber, a beautiful healthy garden started with a seed. A healthy you will emerge, built on small changes.
This year, the Joseph P Cory Foundation dreams of placing more Gardens of Hope in our community, and inspiring places beyond to achieve optimal health for themselves and their families. Follow us and stay the course as we grow together!

In good health,
Suggestions for a healthier you. It's Really Simple!
  • Focus on one or two goals at first.
  • Imagine what it would look like to achieve that goal.
  • Work on it in some small way every day.
Boost Your Immune System

Give your immune system a helping hand in 2022 by making small tweaks to give your body the boost it needs. 
  1. Get enough sleep. Sleep and immunity are closely tied
  2. Eat more whole plant foods
  3. Eat more healthy fats
  4. Eat fermented foods or take a probiotic supplement
  5. Limit added sugars
  6. Engage in moderate exercise
  7. Stay hydrated
  8. Manage your stress levels
  9. Surround yourself with antimicrobial/holistic/aromatherapy products
Organic Antimicrobials
Water (or Watt-Ahh!)
Improve Your Gut Health

When it comes to making healthy choices, improving your digestion is one of the best things you can do for your wellbeing. Gut health can refer both to your digestive system, also known as your gastrointestinal (GI) tract – and the balance of bacteria in your gut. Your gut digests food, houses a range of bacteria, absorbs energy and nutrients, and gets rid of waste products.
If you're not sure where to start, some of the best foods to add to your diet include whole-foods, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Staying clear of processed foods is a good goal to have for 2022, as these can disrupt healthy bacteria in your gut.
Less Sugar
You Are What You Eat
Whole Foods
Try A Plant-Based Diet

One of the most powerful steps you can take to improve your health, boost energy levels, and prevent chronic diseases, is to move to a plant-based diet. If you’ve seen Forks Over Knives, you know that science shows changing your nutrition is a powerful way to live longer, help the environment, and reduce your risk of getting sick.
There’s excellent scientific evidence that many chronic diseases can be prevented, controlled, or even reversed with a whole-food, plant-based diet.
How About Those Brain Food Connections?

It's simple: What you eat influences how you think. Your food choices affect your brain and may even spell the difference between clear thinking and the forgetfulness that tends to develop with age. The food you eat may also influence your mood.

That said, it's important to keep in mind that no single food can guarantee brain health. A healthy brain depends on having a healthy body, notes Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. "Good blood circulation is important, so healthy fats and healthy carbohydrates are an excellent beginning," he says. Colorful vegetables, tangy fruits, whole-grain breads, eggs, nuts, beans and berries all belong on this list.
Leafy Green Veggies
Mental Health Boost

After a turbulent year that's placed great pressure on our mental health, mood journaling is becoming more and more popular. Have you considered starting a mood diary? Similar to general diaries, a mood diary is focused on your emotions and will help you improve your mental health. Simply put, it's a great way to record how you feel and why. Keeping a mood journal, or emotion journal, can be a useful way to get to the root of lingering negative feelings (and increase positive ones). This allows you to recognize negative emotions and take action to help these feelings, whether it's opening up to a friend, loved one, or mental professional. Writing down your feelings has been shown to reduce your feelings of anxiety and depression too.
Sleep Hygiene

In the coming year, more of us are going to be tracking our sleep to make better adjustments to our routines. 
Sleep hygiene is all about bettering our bedtime habits, whether that's going to sleep earlier, turning our phones off in the evening, or creating a restful environment at home. When you're tired, you can't function at your best, so why not put your sleep first in 2022?
Lead an Eco-Friendly Life

Just a few steps can go a long way in living a clean, environmentally-friendly lifestyle. While the fear of environmental doom may be a very real feeling, 2022 is all about letting it fuel us to do better. If you agree, You aren't alone in your feelings, millions of people across the world will be feeling the same as you. Taking notice of your feelings and turning those into positive actions can support your wellbeing, but also make a difference for the planet.
To make sure your eco-friendly habits stick, start by making one or two small changes to live greener, and build them up over time. For example, choose local, seasonal foods where possible, and reduce food waste by planning meals in advance.
Note: All medical information/nutritional content is compiled from affiliates and experts in their fields, and is not meant to treat or to replace the advice of your personal healthcare professional. The Joseph P Cory Foundation, provides guidelines and suggestions that align with our mission: Empowering people and communities to achieve wellness
and well-being through education, expertise, and guidance.
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