A Normalcy Bias
The Jews in Germany under-estimated Hitler and the Nazi holocaust, it cost them their fortunes and their lives. They didn’t take Hitler seriously.
The antediluvian’s would not take seriously the destruction that was soon to come upon their evil days. They laughed at Noah. Luke 17: 26, 27
Normalcy bias is
the reality that 85% of the people will disbelieve or minimize the danger of the circumstances facing them. They want to believe that everything will be normalized even as the nation and the world is disintegrating around them.
We must prepare
to live in a decadent society that despises those that hold to absolute truth and Biblical principle. We must read the signs of the times or pay the price of a false hope.
Noah prepared an ark for the saving of his family. He outmaneuvered the evil of his day by preparing practically and spiritually. So must we! We have another ark to build, our characters and our country homes. Hebrews 11:7
The signs of the times press us to prepare. The days in which we live are solemn and deteriorating. Why? Because the Spirit of God is gradually but surely being withdrawn from our nation and the earth. They forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude because the agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating. The deep state, the politicians and the degenerate society are bent on bringing about, “A New Normal,” and they are dead serious. Are you ready?
“Because they have no changes therefore they fear not God.” Psalms 55:19