SeekersHub Sydney | SeekersPoint Melbourne | SeekersPoint Brisbane | SeekersPoint Perth


The blessed month of fasting has just passed us; may Allah Ta'ala reward you for your fasting, praying and all deeds of goodness, kindness and generosity. Insha Allah you also had a joyous day of 'Eid with your family and friends, and particularly that you welcomed new people into your circle of friends.


Ramadan is blessed month that directly aids us to seek the ways to be close to and conscious of our Merciful Lord, who provides us our entire existence; may Allah bless us to utilise all He has endowed upon us as means to seek closeness to Him in a manner pleasing to Him. May Allah bless us to continue our journey to change ourselves for the better with as much steadfastness we had in Ramadan, outside of Ramadan.




SeekersHub Sydney, in its transition from Al-Ghazzali Centre since the past two years, has been undergoing a tremendous level of change; positive change. As part of SeekersHub Global, SeekersHub Sydney is an integral part of the operations at the global front serving over 12,000 students. We have been pleased observing many of you from this region are also benefitting from our online courses.


The growth of SeekersHub Sydney has been quite remarkable, becoming a hub and point of contact and connection to some of the most influential and authoritative teachers and scholars of our contemporary time. We will continue to improve and increase our facilitation of Islamic Education as well as Service throughout the Australasia-Pacific region- this is our homeland and neighbourhood, and by Prophetic exhortation, we have a collective responsibility to this neighbourhood.




After nearly nine months, the new Sydney Hub is nearly ready for the entire community to benefit from. A new location, a new look, and a larger space, the new Hub has been designed and constructed to meet our growing needs, in a manner connected to our Islamic traditions as well as Australian heritage. We like to think it will set a new standard for Islamic centres for the next generation, insha Allah. As we cone to completion of the construction, we will invite you to come and visit us at the new Hub. We pray to Allah this will be possible in the next 3-5 weeks. Please make du'a for a successful completion in this period.


When we open, it will be 'business' as usual, in the same intensity that you have come to know of Al-Ghazzali Centre. SeekersHub Sydney will be returning all its classes on-ground, providing the most thorough of Islamic Studies available at foundational and intermediate levels, as well as connecting you to more advance programs through our SeekersSteps and SeekersArabic curriculum-based programs.


We will soon also inform the global community how each of the Hubs (Sydney, Toronto and San Francisco) will play a vital role in our global seminary preparing teachers and scholars, who will be able to teach their local communities where there were no qualified teachers or teaching institutions available before. Your patience and generosity continues to help us break barriers between seekers and guidance in various parts of the world.



In the last year you might have seen SeekersPoints being established in Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. Alhamdulillah, these SeekersPoints are taking self-responsibility to facilitate Islamic education by nurturing a community of seekers who are dedicated to knowledge and positive action.

Soon there will be a SeekersPoint in Malaysia, New Zealand and South Africa, under the auspices of SeekersHub Sydney. We will give further information about this very soon.



The Ansaar Project, by the blessings of Allah through the hard work of each and every volunteer has grown tremendously. The feeding of the homeless continues, and the Halal Food Banks has grown manifold; we are now also supplying personal hygiene products over and beyond Halal food, in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth. The Ansaar Project is successfully operating beyond Australia; in Malaysia, New Zealand, Fiji Islands, South Africa and Canada.



Our Mizaan Ecosophy and Wellbeing programs have been a little quiet despite its continuity, and a new phase of this important project will be unveiled in 2014, with new environmental and personal health projects we will be tackling.


Just like Al-Ghazzali Centre, you will soon see The Ansaar Project and Mizaan undergoing its third phase, by being identified under SeekersWorks to reflect its global nature of services and involvement.



On behalf of the entire Australia-Pacific team of SeekersHub, I thank you and appreciate your support and assistance in transforming our humble beginnings towards new sights of building an institution for Islamic Education and Services For Positive Change, where we will, insha Allah, create positive communities consisting of activists, teachers and scholars responding to humanity with confidence, relevance and with sound and authoritative tradition of this Religion, as servants of the Merciful.


Please keep us all in your du'a, and I look forward to seeing you at our new Hub in Sydney very soon!



Was Salaam


Afroz Ali

Managing Director, SeekersHub Global


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