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News/Save the Dates/Reminders
  • BOOKS: Art of Prayer The Stained Glass Windows of St. Augustin Catholic Church will be in the East Hall after Masses for a free-will donation.
  • TLM Mass will move from 5 pm to 4 pm with confessions from 3:15 - 3:45 pm beginning on Sunday, August 7th,
  • Parish Office will be closed on Friday, July 22nd.
A Note from Fr. Pisut
Friday, July 22, 2022
Dear Parishioners,

As you should know the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) Community moved from St. Anthony’s to St. Augustin a little over a month ago. They have settled in nicely and have enjoyed the welcome that they have received here. Many St. Augustin parishioners were already acquainted with them and since joining they have begun to make new friends here. Though they may prefer to attend the TLM they are now simply St. Augustin parishioners just like the rest of us. When the TLM was at St. Anthony’s the Mass was at 5:00 pm on Sunday and it was thought best to keep that time for the initial move. With the transition being complete it was thought it was best to revisit the Mass time to see what would be most conducive to the needs of those attending. Therefore, beginning Sunday, August 7, the TLM will move to 4:00 pm on Sunday. This change will not affect the other Masses at St. Augustin. As a result, confessions on Sunday before the TLM will be from 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm. Our other confession times will remain the same, Saturday 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm and Sunday morning 9:00 am - 9:30 am.

On that note, it’s good to recall that confession is an integral part of the life of a Catholic or should be if it isn’t. It is no secret that sacramental confession has declined in recent decades. This is a tragedy. The life of a Christian is one of continual repentance. Though baptism takes away sins, confession is for post-baptismal sin. Jesus gave the Apostles the power to forgive sins and all bishops and priests share in that power of binding and loosing. We are required to go to confession if we have committed any mortal sin, especially before receiving Holy Communion. If not, we bring condemnation upon ourselves as St. Paul teaches us. While it’s not strictly necessary to confess venial sins it is a good spiritual practice to help cultivate the Christian life. While no one is above sinning no one is below forgiveness either. How long has it been since you’ve been to Confession? Repent and believe in the Gospel!

Friday, July 22 is the feast of St. Mary Magdalene. She was a disciple of Jesus who was healed of possession, was present at his crucifixion, and the first to witness the risen Lord, “apostle of the Apostles.” She is the patroness of the Order of Preachers, otherwise known as the Dominicans.

Saturday, July 23 is the feast of St. Bridget of Sweden (d. 1373). She was a mother of eight, a mystic prophet and foundress of the Order of the Most Holy Savior (Bridgettines). She helped to bring the Papacy back to Rome after its seventy year “Babylonian Exile” in Avignon, France. She is co-patroness of Europe with St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross and St. Catherine of Siena.

Monday, July 25 is the feast of St. James the Apostle. He was the brother of John and was called “the Greater” as the first of two Apostles of that name. He was the first Apostle to be martyred, by beheading, by order of Herod Agrippa I. He is venerated in Compostela, Spain (the Way of St. James), is the patron of pilgrims and of Spain, Guatemala and Nicaragua. The movie The Way follows the pilgrimage route of Compostela.

Tuesday, July 26 is the feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM). Their names are found in the Protoevangelium of James. Anne has been venerated since the 6th c. and is the patroness of childless women and miners. Joachim has been venerated since the 8th c. and is the patron of fathers and grandfathers.

While all saints have feast days, not all are commemorated in the Roman Liturgy, there are just too many of them. One of the most popular saints who fall in this category is St. Christopher, my namesake. St. Christopher was a 3rd c. martyr. He was a large man who dedicated himself to serving God by ferrying travelers across a raging river. One time a child sought passage across the river. Despite his small size, however, Christopher found him to be incredibly heavy and he struggled to maintain his footing as he carried him across the river. Upon reaching the other side the youth revealed himself as the Christ child. Just as Christ carries the weight of the world’s sins upon his shoulders so too did Christopher. The name Christopher means Christ-bearer. He is the patron saint of travelers. I have a St. Christopher medal in my car for safe travels and I invoke him for my journeys. I also see with him as my namesake that God has called me to bear Christ into the world for the salvation of souls. St. Christopher, pray for us!

Fr. Pisut
Read our July 24th BULLETIN HERE
including parish and diocesan activities, a variety of ministries, and other opportunities available in our parish and community.
~ Please continue to support our Vendors!
Welcome to Confirmation Classes!
Please register your child for St. Augustin Confirmation preparation HERE.
This form registers your child for preparation sessions throughout their freshman and sophomore years and only needs to be completed prior to their freshman year preparation.
Confirmation preparation meetings will be held Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm. Candidates must attend all sessions. The Rite of Confirmation will take place following the end of this preparation, most likely occurring in February 2024, dependent on the Bishops schedule.
Before Monday, August 30th, all candidates are required to have selected a sponsor who is a confirmed Catholic in good standing other than a parent. If you have questions, please contact Mary Hemman at (515) 255-1175 ex. 209 or